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Asia Cup will be shifted to UAE with Sri Lankan hosting Rights!!!



The Asian Cricket Council has confirmed that the Asia Cup will be held in the United Arab Emirates with Sri Lanka, the original hosts, retaining hosting rights.

The economic crisis in Sri Lanka has seen the Asia Cup move out of the country although Sri Lanka will continue to retain the hosting rights. The tournament will now be held in UAE between August 27 and September 11.

“Every effort was made to host the Asia Cup in Sri Lanka and the decision to shift the venue to the UAE was taken after much deliberation,” Asian Cricket Council (ACC) President Jay Shah said in a press release on Wednesday. “The UAE will be the new venue while Sri Lanka will continue to retain hosting rights.”

“This edition of the Asia Cup is extremely important as it will help Asian nations prepare for the ICC World Cup, and I thank the SLC and the Emirates Cricket Board for their understanding and cooperation.”.

The ACC also expressed its solidarity with Sri Lanka Cricket in the release.

“The ACC is mindful of the passionate Sri Lankan fans, hence the final decision to change the venue has been very difficult, but has been one that was deemed necessary. However, the thoughts of all ACC members remain in solidarity with the cricket-loving nation of Sri Lanka.”

The Asia Cup, which was last played in 2018, will be played in the T20 format, with nine teams participating. UAE, Kuwait, Singapore and Hong Kong will play a qualifying round with the winner joining India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Bangladesh in the main tournament.

While Sri Lanka is hosting Pakistan currently and also successfully completed a series at home against Australia recently, the nine-team tournament poses a huge challenge in the current scenario. UAE has been a favoured backup country for hosting major tournaments, with India hosting the 2021 T20 World Cup in the country.

ආසියානු කුසලානය ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සත්කාරක අයිතිය සමඟ UAE වෙත මාරු කෙරේ!!!

ආසියානු කුසලානය එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්‍යයේදී පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත බව ආසියානු ක්‍රිකට් කවුන්සිලය තහවුරු කර ඇත්තේ මුල් සත්කාරක ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සත්කාරක අයිතිය රඳවාගෙනය.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථික අර්බුදය හේතුවෙන් ආසියානු කුසලානය රටින් පිටව ගොස් ඇති නමුත් සත්කාරක අයිතිය ශ්‍රී ලංකාව දිගටම රඳවා ගනු ඇත. තරඟාවලිය දැන් අගෝස්තු 27 සිට සැප්තැම්බර් 11 දක්වා එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්‍යයේ පැවැත්වීමට නියමිතය.

ආසියානු ක්‍රිකට් කවුන්සිලයේ (ACC) සභාපති ජේ ෂා බදාදා මාධ්‍ය නිවේදනයක් නිකුත් කරමින් කියා සිටියේ “ආසියානු කුසලානය ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ පැවැත්වීමට සෑම උත්සාහයක්ම ගත් අතර එම ස්ථානය එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්‍යයට ගෙනයාමට තීරණය කරන ලදී. “එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්‍යය නව ස්ථානය වනු ඇති අතර ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සත්කාරක අයිතිවාසිකම් දිගටම රඳවා ගනු ඇත.”

“මෙම ආසියානු කුසලානයේ සංස්කරණය අතිශයින්ම වැදගත් වන්නේ එය ICC ලෝක කුසලානය සඳහා ආසියානු ජාතීන්ට සූදානම් වීමට උපකාර වන අතර, ඔවුන්ගේ අවබෝධය සහ සහයෝගීතාවය සඳහා මම SLC සහ එමිරේට්ස් ක්‍රිකට් මණ්ඩලයට ස්තූතිවන්ත වෙමි.”

ඒසීසීය ද ශ්‍රී ලංකා ක්‍රිකට් ආයතනයට සිය සහයෝගිතාව ප්‍රකාශ කර ඇත.

“ACC උද්යෝගිමත් ශ්‍රී ලාංකේය ක්‍රීඩා ලෝලීන් ගැන සැලකිලිමත් වන අතර, එම නිසා ස්ථානය වෙනස් කිරීමේ අවසාන තීරණය ඉතා අපහසු වී ඇත, නමුත් එය අවශ්‍ය යැයි සලකනු ලැබ ඇත. කෙසේ වෙතත්, සියලුම ACC සාමාජිකයින්ගේ සිතුවිලි ක්‍රිකට් ලෝලීන් සමඟ පවතී ශ්‍රී ලංකා ජාතිය සහයෝගයෙන්.”

අවසන් වරට 2018 වසරේ පැවැති ආසියානු කුසලානය විස්සයි20 ක්‍රමයට පැවැත්වෙන අතර ඊට කණ්ඩායම් 9ක් සහභාගී වේ. එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්‍යය, කුවේට්, සිංගප්පූරුව සහ හොංකොං සුදුසුකම් ලැබීමේ වටයකට ක්‍රීඩා කරන අතර ජයග්‍රාහකයා ඉන්දියාව, පාකිස්තානය, ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, ඇෆ්ගනිස්ථානය සහ බංග්ලාදේශය සමඟ ප්‍රධාන තරගාවලියට එක්වේ.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාව මේ වන විට පාකිස්තානයට සත්කාරකත්වය සපයන අතර පසුගියදා ඔස්ට්‍රේලියාවට එරෙහිව සිය මව්බිමේදී තරගාවලියක් සාර්ථකව නිම කරන අතර, කණ්ඩායම් 9කින් සමන්විත මෙම තරගාවලිය වත්මන් තත්ත්වය තුළ දැවැන්ත අභියෝගයක් එල්ල කරයි. එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්‍යය ප්‍රධාන තරඟාවලි පැවැත්වීම සඳහා අනුග්‍රහය දක්වන උපස්ථ රටක් වී ඇති අතර, ඉන්දියාව 2021 T20 ලෝක කුසලානය රට තුළ සත්කාරකත්වය දරයි.

ஆசிய கோப்பையை இலங்கை நடத்தும் உரிமையுடன் UAEக்கு மாற்றப்படும்!!!

ஆசியக் கோப்பை ஐக்கிய அரபு எமிரேட்ஸில் நடைபெறும் என்று ஆசிய கிரிக்கட் கவுன்சில் உறுதி செய்துள்ளது.

இலங்கையில் ஏற்பட்டுள்ள பொருளாதார நெருக்கடியால் ஆசியக் கிண்ணம் நாட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறிய போதிலும், இலங்கை தொடர்ந்து நடத்தும் உரிமையை தக்க வைத்துக் கொள்ளும். இப்போட்டி ஐக்கிய அரபு எமிரேட்ஸில் ஆகஸ்ட் 27 முதல் செப்டம்பர் 11 வரை நடைபெறும்.

ஆசியக் கோப்பையை இலங்கையில் நடத்துவதற்கான அனைத்து முயற்சிகளும் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு, அந்த இடத்தை ஐக்கிய அரபு எமிரேட்ஸுக்கு மாற்ற முடிவு எடுக்கப்பட்டது என்று ஆசிய கிரிக்கெட் கவுன்சில் (ஏசிசி) தலைவர் ஜெய் ஷா புதன்கிழமை செய்திக்குறிப்பில் தெரிவித்தார். “ஐக்கிய அரபு எமிரேட்ஸ் புதிய இடமாக இருக்கும், அதே நேரத்தில் இலங்கை ஹோஸ்டிங் உரிமைகளை தக்க வைத்துக் கொள்ளும்.”

ஆசியக் கோப்பையின் இந்தப் பதிப்பு மிகவும் முக்கியமானது, ஏனெனில் இது ஆசிய நாடுகள் ஐசிசி உலகக் கோப்பைக்குத் தயார்படுத்த உதவும், மேலும் SLC மற்றும் எமிரேட்ஸ் கிரிக்கெட் வாரியத்தின் புரிந்துணர்வு மற்றும் ஒத்துழைப்புக்காக நான் நன்றி கூறுகிறேன்.

“ஏசிசி ஆர்வமுள்ள இலங்கை ரசிகர்களை கவனத்தில் கொள்கிறது, எனவே இடத்தை மாற்றுவதற்கான இறுதி முடிவு மிகவும் கடினமாக இருந்தது, ஆனால் அவசியமாக கருதப்பட்டது. இருப்பினும், அனைத்து ஏசிசி உறுப்பினர்களின் எண்ணங்களும் கிரிக்கெட்டை விரும்புபவர்களுடன் ஒற்றுமையாக இலங்கை தேசம் இருக்கும்.”

கடந்த 2018-ம் ஆண்டு நடைபெற்ற ஆசிய கோப்பை டி20 முறையில் ஒன்பது அணிகள் பங்கேற்கும். ஐக்கிய அரபு எமிரேட்ஸ், குவைத், சிங்கப்பூர், ஹாங்காங் ஆகிய அணிகள் தகுதிச் சுற்றில் விளையாடும், அதில் வெற்றி பெறும் அணி இந்தியா, பாகிஸ்தான், இலங்கை, ஆப்கானிஸ்தான் மற்றும் வங்கதேசம் ஆகிய அணிகளுடன் முக்கிய போட்டியில் பங்கேற்கிறது.

இலங்கை தற்போது பாகிஸ்தான் தொடரை நடத்தும் அதே வேளையில், அண்மையில் அவுஸ்திரேலியாவுக்கு எதிராக சொந்த மண்ணில் ஒரு தொடரை வெற்றிகரமாக நிறைவுசெய்துள்ள அதேவேளை, தற்போதைய சூழ்நிலையில் ஒன்பது அணிகள் கொண்ட போட்டியை நடத்துவது பாரிய சவாலாக உள்ளது. 2021 டி20 உலகக் கோப்பையை இந்தியாவில் நடத்துவதுடன், ஐக்கிய அரபு எமிரேட்ஸ் பெரிய போட்டிகளை நடத்துவதற்கு ஆதரவான நாடு.

Source ICC

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Sri Lanka vs Australia 2nd Test: Spin to Dominate as Galle Pitch Set to Turn




As Sri Lanka prepares to take on Australia in the second Test in Galle, all eyes are on the pitch conditions, which appear significantly drier than in the opening match. With intense heat baking the surface over the past few days, expectations are high for a spin-friendly track that could heavily influence the outcome of the game.

Sri Lanka Aiming to Maximize Spin Advantage

Sri Lanka captain Dhananjaya de Silva has expressed confidence in his team’s spinners, emphasizing that Galle has historically been a venue where spin bowlers thrive. After suffering a crushing defeat in the first Test, where Australia posted 654/6 declared and Sri Lanka managed only 165 and 247, the home team is looking to bounce back by capitalizing on the turning track.

“Our strength has always been spin bowling, and history shows that spinners have been among the top wicket-takers at this venue,” said de Silva. “We hope our bowlers can use these conditions to their advantage.”

Australia Prepared for Spinning Conditions

Despite Sri Lanka’s reliance on spin, Australia has adapted remarkably well to turning pitches. In the first Test, they fielded a three-man spin attack with Nathan Lyon, Matthew Kuhnemann, and Todd Murphy—who collectively claimed 17 wickets. Their ability to exploit subcontinent conditions has been shaped by extensive preparations, including training camps in Dubai and studying India’s successful spin strategies.

Australian stand-in captain Steven Smith noted that their strategy has been influenced by India’s success in such conditions. “We’ve taken a page out of India’s playbook by using multiple spinners who can create pressure and take wickets. Having three frontline spinners allows us to rotate bowlers and keep the attack fresh, which is crucial in these conditions.”

Sri Lanka’s Batting Needs to Step Up

Sri Lanka’s batting lineup struggled against Australia’s spinners in the first Test, with many batters getting starts but failing to convert them into significant scores. De Silva stressed the importance of building big innings, similar to how Australia did in the first game.

“In the first Test, several batters got starts but didn’t go on to score centuries. This time, we need someone to anchor the innings with a 150 or 200, allowing others to bat around them and post a competitive total,” he added.

A Classic Galle Thriller on the Cards?

With both teams armed with quality spinners and a dry surface expected to break up early, the second Test could turn into a low-scoring battle of attrition. While Sri Lanka looks to bounce back and leverage home conditions, Australia is determined to continue its dominant run with a well-rounded spin strategy.

The action kicks off on Thursday, with cricket fans expecting another enthralling chapter in this exciting Test series.

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Dimuth Karunaratne to Retire After 100th Test Against Australia in Galle




Sri Lanka’s veteran opener Dimuth Karunaratne has announced his retirement from Test cricket, marking his 100th Test match against Australia in Galle as his final appearance in the longest format. The experienced left-hander, who debuted at the same venue in 2012, will step away after an illustrious 12-year career.

Reasons Behind the Decision

Karunaratne’s retirement is influenced by three key factors:

  • Sri Lanka’s limited Test schedule, with only two matches scheduled until May 2026.
  • A dip in form, averaging 27.05 since 2024.
  • The end of the current World Test Championship (WTC) cycle, making it an ideal time to transition younger players into the squad.

“It felt like the right time to step away, especially with a few young players ready for the next WTC cycle. Finishing in Galle, where I started my career, makes it even more special,”

Karunaratne shared.

A Legacy in Sri Lankan Cricket

Karunaratne will become Sri Lanka’s seventh cricketer to achieve 100 Test appearances, joining legends such as Sanath Jayasuriya, Muttiah Muralitharan, Chaminda Vaas, Mahela Jayawardene, Kumar Sangakkara, and Angelo Mathews.

With over 7,000 Test runs at an average close to 40, he remains Sri Lanka’s highest-scoring opener in Test history. His career highlights include:

  • 16 Test centuries & 39 half-centuries
  • 244 – Career-best score
  • 30 Tests as captain, leading Sri Lanka to a historic 2-0 Test series win in South Africa (2019)
  • Played 50 ODIs, including leading Sri Lanka in the 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup

What’s Next for Karunaratne?

Now residing in Melbourne, Karunaratne has expressed interest in coaching after a break from cricket. “I’d love to get involved again in the game,” he stated, hinting at a future role in cricket development.

As Sri Lanka prepares to face Australia in the second Test, Karunaratne’s farewell at Galle International Stadium will be an emotional moment for Sri Lankan cricket fans.

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Battle of the Hindus 2025: Jaffna vs. Colombo Clash Set for February 7-8




The much-anticipated 14th Battle of the Hindus Inter-School Big Match between Hindu College, Jaffna, and Hindu College, Colombo, is set to take place on February 7-8 at the Hindu College Grounds in Jaffna. This historic encounter, which first began in 1982, continues to celebrate the rich cricketing legacy and camaraderie between these two prestigious institutions.

Sponsors and Legacy

The 2025 edition is proudly sponsored by Janashakthi Group (title sponsor) and SLIIT Northern University (platinum sponsor), further elevating the significance of the event. Over the years, both schools have demonstrated remarkable performances, securing three wins each, while seven matches ended in draws.

A Tradition of Excellence

Speaking at a media briefing in Colombo, Hindu College, Jaffna Principal, Ratnam Senthilmaran, highlighted the immense contributions of both schools in shaping influential figures in academics, sports, and various professional fields.

Meanwhile, Hindu College, Colombo Principal, K. Nagenthra, emphasized that this annual fixture represents more than just cricket—it is a symbol of brotherhood, sportsmanship, and shared cultural heritage, uniting Hinduites across generations.

Excitement Builds for the 2025 Edition

With the stage set for another thrilling chapter in this historic rivalry, cricket fans can expect a fiercely competitive match filled with passion and pride. Stay tuned for all the latest updates on Sri Lankan Sports TV!

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