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World Rugby Suspends Sri Lanka Rugby



The World Rugby (WR) Council met on 11 May and considered the ongoing membership of Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR). Subsequent to the meeting, by letter dated 17 May 2023 addressed to Hasan Sinhawansa, Executive Director of Sri Lanka Rugby, World Rugby (WR) has advised they have decided to suspend the membership of Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR). The suspension effectively means Sri Lanka will be unable to take part in any tournament outside the country.

The Minister of Sports reinstated SLR as a sports federation in Sri Lanka under the temporary operational control of a Stabilization Committee recently. However, World Rugby considers the action contrary to the bye-laws of World Rugby.

World Rugby Council considered a recommendation of the executive board and accepted the proposal to suspend SLR following the bye-laws relating to political interference.

WR agreed that they and Asia Rugby would work with all stakeholders to ensure the least possible disruption to rugby in Sri Lanka. The priority of WR is to work with all stakeholders to resolve ongoing governance issues urgently.

Previously, the Secretary to the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka (NOCSL), by letter dated 3 May 2023 addressed to the Chairman of World Rugby, advised that they recognize only the duly elected committee headed by Rizly Illyas.

Furthermore, the letter stated that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Olympic Committee of Asia (OCA) does not recognize the appointment of the Stabilization Committee or other interim arrangement made by the Sports Ministry in terms of the Sports Law. NOCSL stated they identify only the duly elected committee of the Sports Federation according to the constitution approved by World Rugby.

Earlier in January, Sri Lankan football fans also had a rude shock when news broke that the Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) had been suspended by the international football governing body FIFA until further notice due to third-party interference.

ලෝක රග්බි ශ්‍රී ලංකා රග්බි ක්‍රීඩාව අත්හිටුවයි

ලෝක රග්බි (WR) කවුන්සිලය මැයි 11 දින රැස් වූ අතර ශ්‍රී ලංකා රග්බි (SLR) හි දැනට පවතින සාමාජිකත්වය පිළිබඳව සලකා බලන ලදී. රැස්වීමෙන් අනතුරුව, ශ්‍රී ලංකා රග්බි, ලෝක රග්බි (WR) හි විධායක අධ්‍යක්ෂ හසන් සිංහවංශ වෙත 2023 මැයි 17 දිනැති ලිපියක් මගින් ශ්‍රී ලංකා රග්බි (SLR) සාමාජිකත්වය අත්හිටුවීමට තීරණය කර ඇති බව උපදෙස් දී ඇත. මෙම තහනම හේතුවෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට රටින් පිටත කිසිදු තරඟාවලියකට සහභාගී වීමට නොහැකි වනු ඇත.

ස්ථායීකරණ කමිටුවක තාවකාලික මෙහෙයුම් පාලනය යටතේ ක්‍රීඩා අමාත්‍යවරයා විසින් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ක්‍රීඩා සම්මේලනයක් ලෙස SLR නැවත ස්ථාපිත කරන ලදී. කෙසේ වෙතත්, ලෝක රග්බි ක්‍රියාව ලෝක රග්බි ක්‍රීඩාවේ අතුරු නීතිවලට පටහැනි බව සලකයි.

ලෝක රග්බි කවුන්සිලය විධායක මණ්ඩලයේ නිර්දේශයක් සලකා බැලූ අතර දේශපාලන ඇඟිලි ගැසීම් සම්බන්ධ අතුරු නීති අනුගමනය කරමින් SLR අත්හිටුවීමේ යෝජනාව පිළිගත්තේය.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ රග්බි ක්‍රීඩාවට සිදුවිය හැකි අවම බාධාව සහතික කිරීම සඳහා ඔවුන් සහ ඒෂියා රග්බි සියලු පාර්ශවකරුවන් සමඟ කටයුතු කරන බවට WR එකඟ විය. WR හි ප්‍රමුඛතාවය වන්නේ දැනට පවතින පාලන ගැටළු කඩිනමින් විසඳීම සඳහා සියලුම පාර්ශවකරුවන් සමඟ කටයුතු කිරීමයි.

මීට පෙර, ශ්‍රී ලංකා ජාතික ඔලිම්පික් කමිටුවේ (NOCSL) ලේකම් විසින් 2023 මැයි 3 දිනැති ලිපියක් මගින් ලෝක රග්බි සභාපතිවරයාට යවන ලද ලිපියක් මගින් උපදෙස් දුන්නේ රිස්ලි ඉල්ලියාස්ගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් යුත් නිසි පරිදි තේරී පත් වූ කමිටුව පමණක් පිළිගන්නා ලෙසයි.
තවද, ජාත්‍යන්තර ඔලිම්පික් කමිටුව (IOC) සහ ආසියානු ඔලිම්පික් කමිටුව (OCA) ස්ථායීකරණ කමිටුව පත් කිරීම හෝ ක්‍රීඩා නීතියට අනුව ක්‍රීඩා අමාත්‍යාංශය විසින් කරන ලද වෙනත් අතුරු වැඩපිළිවෙලක් පිළි නොගන්නා බව එම ලිපියේ සඳහන් වේ. NOCSL ප්‍රකාශ කළේ ලෝක රග්බි විසින් අනුමත කරන ලද ව්‍යවස්ථාවට අනුව ක්‍රීඩා සම්මේලනයේ නිසි පරිදි තේරී පත් වූ කමිටුව පමණක් ඔවුන් හඳුනා ගන්නා බවයි.

ජනවාරි මස මුලදී, ශ්‍රී ලංකා පාපන්දු සම්මේලනය (FFSL) තුන්වන පාර්ශ්වයේ මැදිහත්වීම් හේතුවෙන් නැවත දැනුම් දෙන තුරු ජාත්‍යන්තර පාපන්දු පාලක මණ්ඩලය වන FIFA විසින් අත්හිටුවා ඇති බවට ප්‍රවෘත්ති පළ වූ විට ශ්‍රී ලංකා පාපන්දු ලෝලීන් ද දැඩි කම්පනයකට පත් විය.

உலக ரக்பி இலங்கை ரக்பியை இடைநிருத்தியது

உலக ரக்பி (WR) கவுன்சில் மே 11 அன்று கூடியது மற்றும் இலங்கை ரக்பியின் (SLR) தற்போதைய உறுப்பினர் குறித்து பரிசீலித்தது. கூட்டத்திற்குப் பிறகு, 2023 மே 17 தேதியிட்ட கடிதம் மூலம், இலங்கை ரக்பி, வேர்ல்ட் ரக்பியின் (WR) நிறைவேற்றுப் பணிப்பாளர் ஹசன் சின்ஹவன்ச, இலங்கை ரக்பியின் (SLR) அங்கத்துவத்தை இடைநிறுத்தத் தீர்மானித்துள்ளதாக அறிவுறுத்தியுள்ளார். இந்த இடைநிறுத்தம் இலங்கையால் நாட்டிற்கு வெளியே எந்தவொரு போட்டியிலும் பங்கேற்க முடியாது.

விளையாட்டு அமைச்சர் SLR ஐ இலங்கையில் விளையாட்டுக் கூட்டமைப்பாக மீண்டும் நிலைப்படுத்துதல் குழுவின் தற்காலிக செயல்பாட்டுக் கட்டுப்பாட்டின் கீழ் மீண்டும் நிறுவினார். இருப்பினும், உலக ரக்பியின் துணை விதிகளுக்கு முரணான செயலை உலக ரக்பி கருதுகிறது.

உலக ரக்பி கவுன்சில் நிர்வாகக் குழுவின் பரிந்துரையைப் பரிசீலித்தது மற்றும் அரசியல் தலையீடு தொடர்பான துணைச் சட்டங்களைப் பின்பற்றி SLR ஐ இடைநிறுத்துவதற்கான முன்மொழிவை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டது.

இலங்கையில் றக்பிக்கு குறைந்த பட்ச இடையூறு ஏற்படுவதை உறுதி செய்வதற்காக தாங்களும் Asia Rugbyயும் அனைத்து பங்குதாரர்களுடனும் இணைந்து செயல்படுவதாக WR ஒப்புக்கொண்டது. WR இன் முன்னுரிமை, தற்போதைய நிர்வாகச் சிக்கல்களை அவசரமாகத் தீர்க்க அனைத்து பங்குதாரர்களுடனும் இணைந்து பணியாற்றுவதாகும்.

முன்னதாக, இலங்கை தேசிய ஒலிம்பிக் குழுவின் செயலாளர் (NOCSL), உலக ரக்பியின் தலைவருக்கு 3 மே 2023 தேதியிட்ட கடிதம் மூலம், ரிஸ்லி இல்யாஸ் தலைமையிலான முறையாக தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட குழுவை மட்டுமே அங்கீகரிக்க வேண்டும் என்று அறிவுறுத்தினார்.

மேலும், சர்வதேச ஒலிம்பிக் கமிட்டி (ஐஓசி) மற்றும் ஆசிய ஒலிம்பிக் கமிட்டி (ஓசிஏ) ஆகியவை விளையாட்டு சட்டத்தின் அடிப்படையில் விளையாட்டு அமைச்சகத்தால் செய்யப்பட்ட ஸ்திரப்படுத்தல் குழு அல்லது பிற இடைக்கால ஏற்பாட்டின் நியமனத்தை அங்கீகரிக்கவில்லை என்று கடிதத்தில் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. உலக ரக்பியால் அங்கீகரிக்கப்பட்ட அரசியலமைப்பின்படி விளையாட்டுக் கூட்டமைப்பிற்கு முறையாகத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட குழுவை மட்டுமே அவர்கள் அடையாளம் காட்டுவதாக NOCSL கூறியது.

ஜனவரியில், மூன்றாம் தரப்பினரின் குறுக்கீடு காரணமாக, இலங்கை கால்பந்து சம்மேளனம் (FFSL) சர்வதேச கால்பந்து நிர்வாக அமைப்பான FIFAவினால் மறு அறிவிப்பு வரும் வரை இடைநிறுத்தப்பட்டதாக செய்தி வெளியானபோது, இலங்கை கால்பந்து ரசிகர்களும் ஒரு முரட்டுத்தனமான அதிர்ச்சியை அடைந்தனர்.


Sri Lanka Masters Set for International Masters League T20 2025 Challenge




Sri Lanka Masters, led by legendary wicketkeeper-batsman Kumar Sangakkara, are all set to compete in the much-anticipated International Masters League T20 2025. The tournament, featuring cricketing greats from six nations, will kick off on February 22 and conclude with the final on March 16 in Raipur, India.

Sri Lanka Masters’ Fixtures

The team will begin their campaign against India Masters on February 22 at Dr DY Patil Sports Academy, Navi Mumbai. They will then take on South Africa Masters on February 26, followed by a high-voltage clash against Australia Masters on February 28. Their group stage will continue with matches against West Indies Masters on March 6 and England Masters on March 10 before the semi-finals on March 13 and 14.

Squad Overview

The Sri Lanka Masters squad boasts a mix of experience and all-round talent. With Sangakkara leading from the front, the team includes seasoned campaigners such as Romesh Kaluwitharana, Upul Tharanga, and Lahiru Thirimanne. The bowling attack will be spearheaded by Nuwan Pradeep, Suranga Lakmal, and Isuru Udana, while all-rounders like Seekkuge Prasanna, Jeevan Mendis, and Chaturanga de Silva provide balance to the squad.

Expectations & Key Players to Watch

With a strong batting unit led by Sangakkara and Tharanga, Sri Lanka Masters will look to dominate in the powerplay and set up big totals. The bowling attack, featuring Pradeep and Lakmal, will be crucial in restricting opposition teams. All-rounders like Prasanna and Mendis could play a pivotal role in tight situations.

As the tournament unfolds, Sri Lanka Masters will aim to make a strong statement and challenge for the coveted title. With cricketing legends returning to the field, fans can expect thrilling encounters and moments of brilliance from the island nation’s seasoned stars.

Stay tuned to Sri Lankan Sports TV for exclusive updates and match analysis from the International Masters League T20 2025!

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Super 8 Round Begins with Exciting Matches Amid Media Coverage Concerns




The Super 8 round of the Sri Lanka Schools Football Championship 2025 kicked off at Kelaniya Football Grounds, featuring dominant performances and intense competition. However, despite Sri Lankan Sports TV officially requesting media coverage access, the organizers failed to respond, raising concerns regarding transparency and event management.

Matchday 1 (14th February 2025)

🔹 St. Joseph’s College 4-0 Darussalam College
St. Joseph’s College started strong with a commanding 4-0 victory over Darussalam College. R. Bright stole the show with an impressive hat-trick, leading his team to an emphatic win.

🔹 Alighar National School 3-0 Kalutara Muslim Central College (Walkover)
Kalutara Muslim Central College was unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances, resulting in a 3-0 walkover victory for Alighar National School.

Matchday 2 (15th February 2025)

🔹 Hameed Al Husseinie College 1-0 Al Falah College
A closely contested match saw Hameed Al Husseinie College secure a 1-0 win against Al Falah College, demonstrating solid defense and tactical play.

🔹 Zahira College 4-0 St. Patrick’s College
Zahira College put on a dominant display, winning 4-0 against St. Patrick’s College. Their attacking force looked sharp, sending a strong statement for the upcoming matches.

Media Coverage Dispute

Despite Sri Lankan Sports TV’s formal request to live stream the matches, the organizers refused to provide access, citing the need for approval from FFSL. However, the legal rights for the tournament remain with Sri Lankan Sports TV, making this an unfortunate situation for fans and stakeholders eager for wider coverage.

Stay tuned for further updates on Sri Lankan Sports TV.

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Sri Lanka Crush Australia by 174 Runs, Seal 2-0 ODI Series




Sri Lanka completed a lopsided 2-0 ODI series victory over Australia by winning the second match at Colombo by a commanding 174 runs. Driven by Mendis’ century (101 off 115) and a disciplined bowling display, the hosts made quick work of a weakened Australian outfit, limiting them to just 107 runs in reply to Sri Lanka’s 281/4.

Sri Lanka Finish Off Well, Led By Kusal and Asalanka

Sri Lanka were on the frontfoot for most of the innings after opting to bat first, with Kusal Mendis playing a pivotal knock at the top of the order. He was well supported by captain Charith Asalanka (78 off 66)*, who opened the batting with Nishan Madushka (51 off 62), laying a solid platform.

Missing the trio of Pat Cummins, Mitchell Starc and Josh Hazlewood, Australia’s bowling attack could not rein in the batters. Only Sean Abbott (1/41) and Ben Dwarshuis (1/47) stood out from the Australian line-but none of them could prevent Sri Lanka from putting a competitive total on the board.

Australian Batting Collapses Against Spinn

Chasing 282, Australia’s batting lineup collapsed under pressure, being bowled out for a meager 107 in 24.2 overs. Asitha Fernando (3/23) struck early dismissing the key batters before the Sri Lankan spinners took complete control. The middle order was then sent into a tailspin by Dunith Wellalage (4/35) and Wanindu Hasaranga (3/23).

Stand-in skipper Steven Smith (29 off 34) and Josh Inglis (22 off 27) put forth an effort to build the innings, but wickets kept tumbling at regular intervals. Sri Lanka sealed a comfortable victory as the lower order offered little resistance.

Australia’s Precarious Position on Eve of Champions Trophy

That was Australia’s sixth loss in their last eight ODIs, which is raising questions as the Champions Trophy approaches. Their bowling unit is still under pressure and the inconsistency of the top order is a major cause of concern. Meanwhile Sri Lanka won nine in their last 13 ODIs, but will not participate in the Champions Trophy owing to their performance that was part of the qualification process for the 2023 World Cup.

This series win is a great signal for Sri Lankan cricket as they are rebuilding their team through a combination of experienced and young players, despite that setback.

Match Summary

Sri Lanka – 281/4 (50 overs)
Kusal Mendis – 101 (115)
Charith Asalanka – 78* (66)
Nishan Madushka – 51 (62)
Sean Abbott – 1/41 (10)
Ben Dwarshuis – 1/47 (10)

Australia – 107/10 (24.2 overs)
Steven Smith – 29 (34)
Josh Inglis – 22 (27)
Dunith Wellalage – 4/35 (7.2)
Wanindu Hasaranga – 3/23 (7)
Asitha Fernando – 3/23 (5)

Sri Lanka’s emphatic victory will boost their confidence going into upcoming series, while Australia will need to regroup for a rethink ahead of major tournaments.

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