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Six countries were banned from FIFA World Cup



  1. Germany and Japan – 1950 World Cup

After World War II cancelled the 1942 and 1946 editions of the World Cup, the tournament resumed in 1950. But because of the outcome of World War II, Germany and Japan were not allowed to join.

Uruguay was the winner, followed by Brazil in second place, Sweden in third place and Spain in fourth place.

  1. South Africa – 1970 – 1990 World Cups

During apartheid in South Africa, they faced multiple international boycotts. They were suspended by FIFA in 1963 and finally expelled in 1976.

South Africa hosted the 2010 edition and is the last African country to host the tournament.

  1. Mexico – 1990 World Cup

FIFA slapped a two-year ban on Mexico for fielding four over-age players.

This incident happened during the qualifying round of the World Junior Championship.

The 1990 World Cup was won by West Germany, who beat Argentina in the final. Italy and England were third and fourth respectively.

  1. Chile – 1994 World Cup

Chilean goalkeeper Roberto Rojas pretended to be injured by a flare thrown by a fan during a 1989 match against Brazil.

In fact, he used a blade hidden in his glove to cut himself, resulting in FIFA banning Chile from the 1994 tournament. Rojas was banned for life.

  1. Myanmar – 2006 World Cup

In 2002, Myanmar was eliminated from a qualifying match for the World Cup in Iran.

They were fined $23,500 by FIFA and banned from the 2006 tournament in Germany.

  1. Russia – 2022 World Cup

After invading Ukraine, they were condemned by many countries around the world.

FIFA decided to ban the Russian football team from participating in the World Cup in Qatar.

The first match of the 2022 World Cup will begin on November 20.

FIFA ලෝක කුසලානයට ක්‍රීඩා කිරීම තහනම් කර ඇති රටවල් හයක්

  1. Germany and Japan – 1950 World Cup 

දෙවන ලෝක යුද්ධය හේතුවෙන් ලෝක කුසලානයේ 1942 සහ 1946 තරගාවලි අවලංගු කිරීමෙන් පසුව, තරඟාවලිය 1950 දී නැවත ආරම්භ විය.
නමුත් දෙවන ලෝක යුද්ධයේ ප්‍රතිඵලය නිසා ජර්මනියට සහ ජපානයට සම්බන්ධ වීමට ඉඩ නොලැබුණි.

උරුගුවේ ජයග්‍රාහකයන් වූ අතර බ්‍රසීලය දෙවන ස්ථානයත්, ස්වීඩනය තුන්වන ස්ථානයත්, ස්පාඤ්ඤය සිව්වන ස්ථානයත් හිමිකර ගත්හ.

  1. South Africa – 1970 – 1990 World Cups

දකුණු අප්‍රිකාවේ වර්ණභේදවාදය අතරතුර, ඔවුන් බහුවිධ ජාත්‍යන්තර වර්ජනයන්ට මුහුණ දුන්හ. FIFA විසින් 1963 දී ඔවුන්ව අත්හිටුවන ලද අතර අවසානයේ 1976 දී නෙරපා හරින ලදී.

2010 සංස්කරණයේ සත්කාරකත්වය දැරූ දකුණු අප්‍රිකාව තරගාවලියේ සත්කාරකත්වය දැරූ අවසන් අප්‍රිකානු රට වේ.

  1. Mexico – 1990 World Cup 

වයස් සීමාවට වඩා වැඩි ක්‍රීඩකයින් 4 දෙනෙකු ඉදිරිපත් කළ මෙක්සිකෝවට FIFA විසින් වසර දෙකක තහනමක් පැනවීය.

ලෝක කනිෂ්ඨ තරගාවලියේ සුදුසුකම් ලැබීමේ වටයේදී මෙම සිදුවීම සිදුව තිබේ.

1990 ලෝක කුසලානය බටහිර ජර්මනිය විසින් දිනා ගන්නා ලද අතර ඔවුන් අවසන් මහා තරගයේදී ආර්ජන්ටිනාව පරාජය කරන ලදී. ඉතාලිය සහ එංගලන්තය පිළිවෙලින් තුන්වන සහ සිව්වන ස්ථානයේ පසුවිය.

  1. Chile – 1994 World Cup 

චිලී ගෝල රකින්නා වන රොබර්ටෝ රොජාස් 1989 දී බ්‍රසීලයට එරෙහිව තරගයේදී රසිකයෙක් විසින් විසි කරන ලද ගිනිදැල් නිසා තුවාල වූ බව මවා පෑවේය.

ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම, ඔහු සිය අත්වැසුම් තුළ සැඟවුණු තලයක් භාවිතා කර තමාවම කපා ගත් අතර, එහි ප්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස FIFA 1994 තරඟාවලියෙන් චිලී කණ්ඩායමට තහනම් කළේය. රොජාස්ට ජීවිතාන්තය දක්වා තහනමක් පැනවීය.

  1. Myanmar – 2006 World Cup 

2002 වසරේ ඉරානයේ පැවැත්වීමට නියමිතව තිබූ ලෝක කුසලාන තරගාවලියට සුදුසුකම් ලැබීමේ තරගයකින් මියන්මාරය ඉවත් විය.

ඔවුන්ට FIFA විසින් ඩොලර් 23,500 ක දඩයක් නියම කරන ලද අතර ජර්මනියේ පැවති 2006 තරඟාවලියේ තරඟාවලිය තහනම් කරන ලදී.

  1. Russia – 2022 World Cup 

යුක්රේනය ආක්‍රමණය කිරීමෙන් පසු ඔවුන් ලොව පුරා බොහෝ රටවල් විසින් හෙළා දකින ලදී.

රුසියානු පාපන්දු කණ්ඩායම කටාර් ලෝක කුසලානයට සහභාගී වීම තහනම් කිරීමට FIFA තීරණය කළේය.

2022 ලෝක කුසලානයේ පළමු තරගය නොවැම්බර් 20 වැනිදා ආරම්භ වේ.

FIFA உலகக் கோப்பையில் பங்கேற்க 6 நாடுகள் தடை

  1. ஜெர்மனி மற்றும் ஜப்பான் – 1950 உலகக் கோப்பை

இரண்டாம் உலகப் போர் உலகக் கோப்பையின் 1942 மற்றும் 1946 பதிப்புகளை ரத்து செய்த பிறகு, போட்டி 1950 இல் மீண்டும் தொடங்கியது.
ஆனால் இரண்டாம் உலகப் போரின் விளைவாக ஜெர்மனியும் ஜப்பானும் சேர அனுமதிக்கப்படவில்லை.

உருகுவே வெற்றியீட்டியது, பிரேசில் இரண்டாவது இடத்திலும், ஸ்வீடன் மூன்றாவது இடத்திலும், ஸ்பெயின் நான்காவது இடத்திலும் உள்ளன.

  1. தென்னாப்பிரிக்கா – 1970 – 1990 உலகக் கோப்பைகள்

தென்னாப்பிரிக்காவில் நிறவெறியின் போது, ​​அவர்கள் பல சர்வதேச புறக்கணிப்புகளை எதிர்கொண்டனர். அவர்கள் 1963 இல் FIFA ஆல் இடைநீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டனர் மற்றும் இறுதியாக 1976 இல் வெளியேற்றப்பட்டனர்.

2010 பதிப்பை நடத்திய தென்னாப்பிரிக்கா, போட்டியை நடத்தும் கடைசி ஆப்பிரிக்க நாடு.

  1. மெக்சிகோ – 1990 உலகக் கோப்பை

வயதுக்கு மேற்பட்ட நான்கு வீரர்களை களமிறக்கியதற்காக மெக்சிகோவுக்கு ஃபிஃபா இரண்டு ஆண்டு தடை விதித்தது.

உலக ஜூனியர் சாம்பியன்ஷிப் போட்டியின் தகுதிச் சுற்றின் போது இந்த சம்பவம் நடந்துள்ளது.

1990 உலகக் கோப்பையை இறுதிப் போட்டியில் அர்ஜென்டினாவை வீழ்த்தி மேற்கு ஜெர்மனி வென்றது. இத்தாலி மற்றும் இங்கிலாந்து முறையே மூன்றாவது மற்றும் நான்காவது இடத்தில் உள்ளன.

  1. சிலி – 1994 உலகக் கோப்பை

சிலி கோல்கீப்பர் ராபர்டோ ரோஜாஸ் 1989 ஆம் ஆண்டு பிரேசிலுக்கு எதிரான போட்டியின் போது ஒரு ரசிகரால் வீசப்பட்ட ஃப்ளேயால் காயம் அடைந்தது போல் நடித்தார்.

உண்மையில், அவர் தனது கையுறையில் மறைத்து வைத்திருந்த பிளேடைப் பயன்படுத்தி தன்னைத் தானே வெட்டிக்கொண்டார், இதன் விளைவாக ஃபிஃபா 1994 போட்டியில் சிலியை தடை செய்தது. ரோஜாஸ்க்கு வாழ்நாள் தடை விதிக்கப்பட்டது.

  1. மியான்மர் – 2006 உலகக் கோப்பை

2002 இல், ஈரானில் நடைபெறவிருந்த உலகக் கோப்பைக்கான தகுதிச் சுற்றில் இருந்து மியான்மர் வெளியேறியது.

அவர்களுக்கு FIFA $23,500 அபராதம் விதித்தது மற்றும் ஜெர்மனியில் 2006 போட்டியில் இருந்து தடை செய்யப்பட்டது.

  1. ரஷ்யா – 2022 உலகக் கோப்பை

உக்ரைனை ஆக்கிரமித்த பிறகு, அவர்கள் உலகின் பல நாடுகளால் கண்டனம் செய்யப்பட்டனர்.

கத்தாரில் நடைபெறும் உலகக் கோப்பை கால்பந்து போட்டியில் ரஷ்ய கால்பந்து அணி பங்கேற்க தடை விதிக்க ஃபிஃபா முடிவு செய்துள்ளது.

2022 உலகக் கோப்பையின் முதல் போட்டி நவம்பர் 20 ஆம் தேதி தொடங்குகிறது.


Dimuth Karunaratne to Retire After 100th Test Against Australia in Galle




Sri Lanka’s veteran opener Dimuth Karunaratne has announced his retirement from Test cricket, marking his 100th Test match against Australia in Galle as his final appearance in the longest format. The experienced left-hander, who debuted at the same venue in 2012, will step away after an illustrious 12-year career.

Reasons Behind the Decision

Karunaratne’s retirement is influenced by three key factors:

  • Sri Lanka’s limited Test schedule, with only two matches scheduled until May 2026.
  • A dip in form, averaging 27.05 since 2024.
  • The end of the current World Test Championship (WTC) cycle, making it an ideal time to transition younger players into the squad.

“It felt like the right time to step away, especially with a few young players ready for the next WTC cycle. Finishing in Galle, where I started my career, makes it even more special,”

Karunaratne shared.

A Legacy in Sri Lankan Cricket

Karunaratne will become Sri Lanka’s seventh cricketer to achieve 100 Test appearances, joining legends such as Sanath Jayasuriya, Muttiah Muralitharan, Chaminda Vaas, Mahela Jayawardene, Kumar Sangakkara, and Angelo Mathews.

With over 7,000 Test runs at an average close to 40, he remains Sri Lanka’s highest-scoring opener in Test history. His career highlights include:

  • 16 Test centuries & 39 half-centuries
  • 244 – Career-best score
  • 30 Tests as captain, leading Sri Lanka to a historic 2-0 Test series win in South Africa (2019)
  • Played 50 ODIs, including leading Sri Lanka in the 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup

What’s Next for Karunaratne?

Now residing in Melbourne, Karunaratne has expressed interest in coaching after a break from cricket. “I’d love to get involved again in the game,” he stated, hinting at a future role in cricket development.

As Sri Lanka prepares to face Australia in the second Test, Karunaratne’s farewell at Galle International Stadium will be an emotional moment for Sri Lankan cricket fans.

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Battle of the Hindus 2025: Jaffna vs. Colombo Clash Set for February 7-8




The much-anticipated 14th Battle of the Hindus Inter-School Big Match between Hindu College, Jaffna, and Hindu College, Colombo, is set to take place on February 7-8 at the Hindu College Grounds in Jaffna. This historic encounter, which first began in 1982, continues to celebrate the rich cricketing legacy and camaraderie between these two prestigious institutions.

Sponsors and Legacy

The 2025 edition is proudly sponsored by Janashakthi Group (title sponsor) and SLIIT Northern University (platinum sponsor), further elevating the significance of the event. Over the years, both schools have demonstrated remarkable performances, securing three wins each, while seven matches ended in draws.

A Tradition of Excellence

Speaking at a media briefing in Colombo, Hindu College, Jaffna Principal, Ratnam Senthilmaran, highlighted the immense contributions of both schools in shaping influential figures in academics, sports, and various professional fields.

Meanwhile, Hindu College, Colombo Principal, K. Nagenthra, emphasized that this annual fixture represents more than just cricket—it is a symbol of brotherhood, sportsmanship, and shared cultural heritage, uniting Hinduites across generations.

Excitement Builds for the 2025 Edition

With the stage set for another thrilling chapter in this historic rivalry, cricket fans can expect a fiercely competitive match filled with passion and pride. Stay tuned for all the latest updates on Sri Lankan Sports TV!

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Aston Villa Secure Loan Move for PSG Midfielder Marco Asensio




Aston Villa have strengthened their squad with the signing of Spanish midfielder Marco Asensio on a loan deal from Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) until the end of the season. The 29-year-old, who previously won three UEFA Champions League titles with Real Madrid, becomes Villa’s fourth signing of the winter transfer window.

Key Details of the Transfer:

  • Club: Aston Villa (Loan)
  • Previous Club: Paris Saint-Germain (PSG)
  • Contract Duration: Until the end of the 2024 season
  • Option to Buy: No
  • Wages: Fully covered by Aston Villa

Asensio’s Career and Achievements

Since joining PSG in the summer of 2023, Asensio has netted seven goals in 47 appearances. Despite helping the club win Ligue 1 last season, he has struggled for regular game time this term, making just eight league starts. On the international stage, he was a part of Spain’s Nations League-winning squad in 2023.

Aston Villa’s Busy Transfer Window

Villa have been highly active in the January transfer market, completing deals for:

Marcus Rashford (Loan from Manchester United with a £40m buy option)

Donyell Malen (Signed from Borussia Dortmund for £19m)

Andres Garcia (Signed from Levante for £6m plus add-ons)

Additionally, the club offloaded striker Jhon Duran to Saudi Pro League side Al-Nassr for £71m and defender Diego Carlos to Fenerbahce for £8.45m. They also loaned young winger Samuel Iling-Junior to Middlesbrough for the remainder of the season.

Asensio’s Expected Debut

The Spanish midfielder could make his Aston Villa debut against Tottenham Hotspur in the FA Cup fourth round on Sunday (17:35 GMT), a match that will be broadcast live on BBC One and iPlayer. Villa, currently eighth in the Premier League, are also preparing for their upcoming Champions League Round of 16 tie.

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