Malith Yasiru was adjudged Best Performer of the Meet

63rd Junior National Athletics Championship 2023
17 New meet records established
Malith Yasiru of Kahawatta Central College walked away with the Best Performer of the Meet after his brilliant performance at the 63rd Junior National Athletics Championship 2023 concluded at Diyagama Mahinda Rajapaksa Stadium yesterday.
Malith established a new meet record in the under-20 triple jump event leaping a distance of 15.89m to erase L.P.S. Dhananjaya’s record of 15.78m set way back in 2016. He was also awarded the Best Athlete in the Under-20 category.
Apart from Malith’s record, a total of 16 new meet records were established after three days of action in Diyagama.
Sri Lanka Athletics successfully conducted this National Athletic Junior Championship while Ananda Kulasinghe Additional Secretary of Sports Ministry was the Chief Guest. Vice President G. L. S Perera who was the Technical Committee Head with Chandana Ekanayake, and Lal Chandrakumara two senior VPs, and Treasurer Shantha de Silva graced the presentation ceremony.
New Meet Records:
200m U-23 21.65 sec – IKB Abeywardane, Sri Lanka Army
400m U-23 47.06 sec – HDR Madushan, Sri Lanka Army
400m Hurdles U 23 – 51.24 sec – KMD Darshana, Sri Lak Athletics Club
Discus Throw U-23 – 43.61m – Suseenthi Kumar, Mithunraj Hartley College, Jaffna
100M U-20 -10.77 secs – UA Sumila Themiya Kumara. Pannala MV Kegalle
Triple Jump U-20 – 15.89m – KV Malith Yasiru, Kahawatta Central College
400m Hurdles U-18 – 52.66 sec – KLA Akalanka Ambagamuwa Central College
Pole Vault U-18 – 4.50m – Thushen Silva, Maris Stella Negombo
Hammer Throw U-18 – 35.19m – A. Vimalathas Nitharshan, Hartley College – Jaffna
300m Hurdles U-16 – 40.31 sec – UMA Sandeepa, Ambagamuwa CC
High Jump U-16 – 1.94m – Tharusha Mendis, Lyceum Wattala
100m Hurdles U-23 – 14.51 sec – SBSL Dissanayaka, Swarnamali Girls’ Kandy
Hammer Throw U-23 – 40.00m – MG Nithinsa Mandani, Yatiyana MV Matara
100m Hurdles U-20 – 14.45 sec – SD Kahangama, Mahamaya Girls’ Kandy
Hammer Throw U-18 – 36.79m – MA Yuthara Linduli Jayaweera, Anula Nugegoda
100m U-16 Girls – 12.58 sec – Dananjana Fernando, Lyceum Wattala
300m Hurdles U-16 – 46.44 sec – HMNS Senevirathna Mahamaya Girls’ Kandy
තරගාවලියේ දක්ෂතම ක්රීඩකයා ලෙස මලිත් යසිරු සම්මාන ලැබීය
63 වැනි කනිෂ්ඨ ජාතික මලල ක්රීඩා ශූරතාවලිය 2023
පටිය: 17 නව තරග වාර්තා පිහිටුවා ඇත
කහවත්ත මධ්ය මහා විද්යාලයේ මලිත් යසිරු ඊයේ දියගම මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ක්රීඩාංගණයේදී අවසන් වූ 2023 63 වැනි කනිෂ්ඨ ජාතික මලල ක්රීඩා ශූරතාවලියේදී දැක්වූ දස්කම් දැක්වීමෙන් අනතුරුව තරගාවලියේ දක්ෂතම ක්රීඩකයා සමඟින් පිටව ගියේය.
මලිත් වයස අවුරුදු 20න් පහළ තුන්පිම්ම ඉසව්වෙන් මීටර් 15.89ක දුරක් පැන එල්.පී.එස්. ධනංජයගේ මීටර් 15.78 වාර්තාව 2016 දී පිහිටුවන ලදී. ඔහු වයස අවුරුදු 20 න් පහළ කාණ්ඩයේ දක්ෂතම ක්රීඩකයා ලෙස ද සම්මාන ලැබීය.
මලිත්ගේ වාර්තාවට අමතරව දියගමදී දින තුනක ක්රියාදාමයෙන් පසු නව තරග වාර්තා 16ක් ස්ථාපිත විය.
ශ්රී ලංකා මලල ක්රීඩා කණ්ඩායම මෙම ජාතික මලල ක්රීඩා කනිෂ්ඨ ශූරතාවලිය සාර්ථකව පැවැත් වූ අතර ප්රධාන ආරාධිත අමුත්තා ලෙස ක්රීඩා අමාත්යාංශයේ අතිරේක ලේකම් ආනන්ද කුලසිංහ මහතා සහභාගි විය. චන්දන ඒකනායක සමග තාක්ෂණික කමිටු ප්රධානියා ලෙස කටයුතු කළ උප සභාපති ජී.එල්.එස් පෙරේරා, ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ උප සභාපතිවරුන් දෙදෙනෙකු වන ලාල් චන්ද්රකුමාර සහ භාණ්ඩාගාරික ශාන්ත ද සිල්වා යන මහත්වරු ප්රදානය කිරීමේ උත්සවයට සහභාගි වූහ.
නව Meet වාර්තා:
මීටර් 200 U-23 තත් 21.65 – IKB අබේවර්ධන, ශ්රී ලංකා යුද හමුදාව
මීටර් 400 U-23 තත් 47.06 – HDR මධුෂාන්, ශ්රී ලංකා යුද හමුදාව
මීටර් 400 බාධක දිවීමේ වයස අවුරුදු 23 – තත්ත්පර 51.24 – කේ.එම්.ඩී දර්ශන, ශ්රී ලංකා මලල ක්රීඩා සමාජය
වයස අවුරුදු 23න් පහළ කවපෙත්ත විසිකිරීම – මීටර් 43.61 – සුසෙන්ති කුමාර්, මිතුන්රාජ් හාට්ලි විද්යාලය, යාපනය
මීටර් 100 න් පහළ 20-තත්පර 10.77 – යූ ඒ සුමිල තේමිය කුමාර. කෑගල්ල පන්නල ම.වි
අවුරුදු 20න් පහළ තුන්පිම්ම – මීටර් 15.89 – කේ.වී.මලිත් යසිරු, කහවත්ත මධ්ය මහා විද්යාලය
වයස අවුරුදු 18න් පහළ මීටර් 400 කඩුලු පැනීම – තත්ත්පර 52.66 – කේඑල්ඒ අකලංක අඹගමුව මධ්ය මහා විද්යාලය
18න් පහළ රිටි පැනීම – මීටර් 4.50 – තුෂේන් සිල්වා, මාරිස් ස්ටෙලා මීගමුව
18න් පහළ මිටිය විසිකිරීම – මීටර් 35.19 – ඒ.විමලතාස් නිතාර්ෂන්, හාට්ලි විද්යාලය – යාපනය
වයස අවුරුදු 16න් පහළ මීටර් 300 කඩුලු පැනීම – තත්ත්පර 40.31 – යූඑම්ඒ සංදීප, අඹගමුව සී.සී.
වයස අවුරුදු 16න් පහළ උස පැනීම – මීටර් 1.94 – තරුෂ මෙන්ඩිස්, වත්තල ලයිසියම්
23න් පහළ මීටර් 100 කඩුලු පැනීම – තත්ත්පර 14.51 – SBSL දිසානායක, ස්වර්ණමාලි බාලිකා මහනුවර
23න් පහළ මිටිය විසිකිරීම – මීටර් 40.00 – එම්.ජී.නිතිංසා මන්දානි, යටියන ම.වි.
වයස අවුරුදු 20න් පහළ මීටර් 100 කඩුලු පැනීම – තත්ත්පර 14.45 – එස්ඩී කහංගම, මහාමායා බාලිකා මහනුවර
18න් පහළ මිටිය විසිකිරීම – මීටර් 36.79 – එම්.ඒ.යුතාරා ලිඳුලි ජයවීර, අනුලා නුගේගොඩ
වයස අවුරුදු 16න් පහළ මීටර් 100 බාලිකා – තත්පර 12.58 – ධනංජන ප්රනාන්දු, වත්තල ලයිසියම්
වයස අවුරුදු 16න් පහළ මීටර් 300 කඩුලු පැනීම – තත්ත්පර 46.44 – එච්එම්එන්එස් සෙනෙවිරත්න මහාමායා බාලිකා මහනුවර
போட்டியின் சிறந்த தடகள வீரராக மலித் யாசிரு தெரிவு செய்யப்பட்டார்
63வது ஜூனியர் தேசிய தடகள சாம்பியன்ஷிப் 2023
ஸ்ட்ராப்:17 புதிய சந்திப்பு பதிவுகள் நிறுவப்பட்டன
தியகம மஹிந்த ராஜபக்ஷ மைதானத்தில் நேற்று நிறைவடைந்த 63வது ஜூனியர் தேசிய தடகள சாம்பியன்ஷிப் 2023 இல் தனது சிறப்பான ஆட்டத்தை வெளிப்படுத்தியதன் பின்னர், கஹாவத்தை மத்திய கல்லூரியின் மலித் யசிரு சிறந்த ஆட்டக்காரருக்கான விருதை பெற்றார்.
மலித் 20 வயதுக்குட்பட்ட டிரிபிள் ஜம்ப் போட்டியில் 15.89 மீ தூரம் பாய்ந்து எல்.பி.எஸ்.ஸை அழிக்க புதிய சாதனை படைத்தார். தனஞ்சயவின் சாதனை 15.78 மீ 2016 இல் அமைக்கப்பட்டது. மேலும் அவர் 20 வயதுக்குட்பட்ட பிரிவில் சிறந்த விளையாட்டு வீரருக்கான விருதையும் பெற்றார்.
மலித்தின் சாதனையைத் தவிர, தியகமவில் மூன்று நாட்கள் நடவடிக்கைக்குப் பிறகு மொத்தம் 16 புதிய சந்திப்பு பதிவுகள் நிறுவப்பட்டன.
விளையாட்டு அமைச்சின் மேலதிக செயலாளர் ஆனந்த குலசிங்க பிரதம அதிதியாகக் கலந்துகொண்ட போது, இலங்கை தடகள விளையாட்டுக் கழகம் இந்த தேசிய தடகள கனிஷ்ட சம்பியன்ஷிப் போட்டியை வெற்றிகரமாக நடத்தியது. சந்தன ஏக்கநாயக்கவுடன் தொழில்நுட்பக் குழுவின் தலைவராக இருந்த உப தலைவர் ஜி.எல்.எஸ் பெரேரா மற்றும் இரண்டு சிரேஷ்ட துணைவேந்தர்களான லால் சந்திரகுமார மற்றும் பொருளாளர் சாந்த டி சில்வா ஆகியோர் பரிசளிப்பு விழாவில் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.
புதிய Meet பதிவுகள்:
200m U-23 21.65 நொடி – IKB அபேவர்தன, இலங்கை இராணுவம்
400m U-23 47.06 நொடி – HDR மதுஷன், இலங்கை இராணுவம்
400 மீ தடை ஓட்டம் U 23 – 51.24 நொடி – KMD தர்ஷனா, ஸ்ரீ லக் தடகளக் கழகம்
வட்டு எறிதல் வயது 23 – 43.61 மீ – சுசீந்தி குமார், மிதுன்ராஜ் ஹார்ட்லி கல்லூரி, யாழ்ப்பாணம்
100M U-20 -10.77 நொடிகள் – UA சுமிலா தெமிய குமார. பன்னல எம்.வி கேகாலை
டிரிபிள் ஜம்ப் யு-20 – 15.89 மீ – கே.வி.மலித் யசிரு, கஹவத்தை மத்திய கல்லூரி
18 வயதுக்குட்பட்ட 400 மீ தடை ஓட்டம் – 52.66 நொடி – KLA அகலங்க அம்பகமுவ மத்திய கல்லூரி
18 வயதுக்குட்பட்ட போல்ட் வால்ட் – 4.50 மீ – துஷேன் சில்வா, மாரிஸ் ஸ்டெல்லா நீர்கொழும்பு
18 வயதுக்குட்பட்ட சுத்தியல் எறிதல் – 35.19 மீ – ஏ. விமலதாஸ் நிதர்ஷன், ஹார்ட்லி கல்லூரி – யாழ்ப்பாணம்
300 மீ தடை ஓட்டம் U-16 – 40.31 நொடி – UMA சந்தீபா, அம்பகமுவ CC
உயரம் தாண்டுதல் U-16 – 1.94 மீ – தருஷா மெண்டிஸ், லைசியம் வத்தளை
100 மீ தடை ஓட்டம் U-23 – 14.51 நொடி – SBSL திஸாநாயக்க, ஸ்வர்ணமாலி பெண்கள் கண்டி
சுத்தியல் எறிதல் யு-23 – 40.00 மீ – எம்.ஜி.நிதின்சா மந்தானி, யட்டியான எம்.வி.
100 மீ தடை ஓட்டம் U-20 – 14.45 நொடி – எஸ்டி கஹங்கம, மஹாமாயா பெண்கள் கண்டி
18 வயதுக்குட்பட்டோருக்கான சுத்தியல் எறிதல் – 36.79 மீற்றர் – எம்.ஏ. யுத்த லிந்துலி ஜயவீர, அனுலா நுகேகொட
16 வயதுக்குட்பட்ட 100 மீற்றர் பெண்கள் – 12.58 நொடி – தனஞ்சனா பெர்னாண்டோ, லைசியம் வத்தளை
300 மீ தடை ஓட்டம் U-16 – 46.44 நொடி – HMNS செனவிரத்ன மஹாமாயா பெண்கள் கண்டி
Damayanthi Darsha Urges Immediate Reforms in Sri Lanka’s Sports Associations
Former Olympian and Asian Games gold medalist Damayanthi Darsha has called for urgent reforms in Sri Lanka’s sports associations, which have long been plagued by allegations of corruption and financial mismanagement. With the recent political shift in the country, Darsha emphasized the need for immediate action to address these issues.
For years, nearly all sports associations in Sri Lanka have faced widespread criticism for misconduct and mismanagement. The National Olympic Committee (NOC) recently came under intense scrutiny for corruption allegations, prompting intervention from the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
Many top officials in national sports associations have remained in power for over a decade, often leveraging their experience as a justification to retain their positions. However, Darsha highlighted how these officials have manipulated constitutions to entrench themselves in power, making it difficult for fresh talent to take over. While the Sri Lankan public voted for new leadership in the general elections, the same has not been reflected in sports association elections.
“Immediate action must be taken against the allegations surrounding Sri Lanka’s sports associations,” Darsha stated following the recent election results.
She further explained, “These associations and their officials have altered constitutions to benefit themselves, securing positions for extended periods and reappointing allies. This has tarnished the reputation of sports in the country. It is essential to amend the sports law to ensure accountability and appoint officials dedicated to serving the interests of the nation and sports.”
Darsha remains a celebrated figure in Sri Lanka’s athletics history, holding the national record in the 400m with a time of 51.05 seconds. She has won three Asian Games gold medals and four Asian Championship gold medals. Darsha also expressed her support for her former teammate, Sugath Thilakarathne, who was recently elected as a Member of Parliament.
On a related note, Sunil Kumara Gamage assumed duties as Sri Lanka’s new Sports Minister on Tuesday (19). Gamage pledged to prioritize the fight against corruption, emphasizing his commitment to implementing a well-structured plan to address these issues.
“Our government stands firmly against corruption, and I am ready to take decisive action,” Gamage declared during his inaugural address.
The call for reforms from both Darsha and Gamage signals a critical moment for Sri Lanka’s sports associations to address longstanding issues and restore public trust.
Samitha Dulan clinch silver in Javelin Throw
Paralympics 2024
Samitha Dulan Kodithuwakku of Sri Lanka bagged a Silver medal in the Men’s Javelin Throw (F64) event at the ongoing Paralympic Games 2024 in Paris.
He recorded his fifth throw of 67.03m, breaking the previous world record in the F44 category. This was his best throw of his night, as his previous throws were 63.14, 63.61, 55.01 and 63.73.
Dulan’s accomplishment also signifies the first silver medal for Sri Lanka in the history of the Paralympics.
India’s Sumit Antil successfully defended his gold medal in the Men’s Javelin Throw F64 category, achieving a throw of 70.59 meters. The bronze medal was awarded to Michal Buran of Australia, who recorded a distance of 64.89 meters.
This is not the first occasion on which Dulan has brought honor to his country; he previously claimed a bronze medal at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games with a personal best of 65.61 meters and also secured a bronze medal at the World Para Athletics World Championship 2023 held in Paris, France.
Yupun Abeykoon edges closer to Olympic qualification
Yupun Abeykoon, renowned as South Asia’s fastest man, showcased his exceptional skills at the Anhalt Athletic Championship, securing a remarkable victory in the men’s 100-meter event with a time of 10.16 seconds. This triumph propels him one step closer to his ultimate goal for this year: qualifying for the Olympics.
Abeykoon’s exceptional performance at the Anhalt Athletic Championship once again highlighted his remarkable speed and unwavering determination. As a representative of Sri Lanka in the 2021 Olympics, he continues to push his limits and set new records.
Previously, Abeykoon made headlines by becoming the first athlete from South Asia to complete a 100-meter sprint in under 10 seconds, achieving a time of 9.96 seconds. His consistent progress and recent victory solidify his position as a top contender in the realm of global athletics.
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