I’m happy with my performance but not satisfied- Chamari

Bangladesh Women’s Tour of Sri Lanka 2023
Sri Lanka women’s skipper Chamari Athapatthu said though she is happy with her performance in the T20 series against Bangladesh she is not satisfied, as she failed to convert good starts into big knocks.
“Actually, I’m happy with my performance but not satisfied, because after three good starts with 30’s couldn’t convert it into a big knock. But I believe with the upcoming series against New Zealand players will correct their mistakes, including me, and put on a better performance”.
Sri Lanka Women produced an all-round effort to beat Bangladesh Women by 44 runs and claim a 2-1 T20 series win in Colombo last week.
Batting first, Harshitha Madavi and Nilakshi de Silva all shined with the willow. De Silva smashed the highest for Sri Lanka Women, with 63 runs off 39 balls, while Harshitha scored 51 runs off just 42 balls. Sri Lanka Women finished their innings with a score of 158/3 in 20 overs.
In response, the Bangladesh Women could not chase down the target and were restricted to 114/7 in 20 overs. Sobhana Mostary and Nigar Sultana were the only two batters who contributed significantly with 30 and 31 runs, respectively.
The Lankan bowlers were successful in taking wickets at regular intervals. Udeshika Prabodhani and Inoka Ranaweera took two wickets each, while Kawya Kavindi and Sugandika Kumari took one wicket each.
“Some say Sri Lanka’s batting line-up depends on me, but now I can happily say there is no such thing. We got some highly talented players like Harshitha, Vishmi, Kaveesha, Kawya and Kavindi to name a few. They are the future of Sri Lanka women’s cricket. They should be given the opportunity and results will come our way”, Chamari further added.
The win also saw Sri Lanka winning a series after almost 8 years. Commenting on that Chamari went on to say: “Very happy about a series win after 5-7 years. We have built a good team now; we got a team that can now do the unthinkable. I believe our team will put on an improved performance this year, especially when facing top teams.”
Meanwhile, Nilakshi de Silva the player of the match who scored her maiden T-20 half century said I had to get my runs quickly while our task was to build up a challenging total. I missed many opportunities to complete half-centuries and most of the time I had to stay at the wicket with unbeaten knocks. However more than my maiden half-century we are happy to win the game and the series added Nilakshi de Silva.
Player of the series Harshitha Samarwickrama said I am really happy to receive the player of the series award.
She praised high in skipper Chamari Athapattu saying,
“My skipper Chamari Atapattu gave me the strength to play my innings while my coach advised me to stay at the wicket until the end of the innings and I did my best for the team said Harshitha Samarawickrma the 24-year-old top order batter”.
Sri Lanka’s next assignment will be the tour to England to play 3 T20Is and 3 ODI in August-September.
මගේ පිතිකරණ දස්කම් ගැන මම සතුටු වෙනවා නමුත් සෑහීමකට පත් වෙන්නේ නැහැ – චමරි
බංග්ලාදේශ කාන්තා ශ්රී ලංකා සංචාරය 2023
ශ්රී ලංකා කාන්තා නායිකා චමරි අතපත්තු ප්රකාශ කළේ බංග්ලාදේශයට එරෙහිව පැවැති විස්සයි20 තරගාවලියේදී දැක්වූ දස්කම් පිළිබඳව සතුටු වුවද හොඳ ආරම්භයන් විශාල පහරවල් බවට පරිවර්තනය කිරීමට අපොහොසත් වීම නිසා සෑහීමකට පත්විය නොහැකි බවයි.
“ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම, මම මගේ කාර්ය සාධනය ගැන සතුටු වන නමුත් සෑහීමකට පත් නොවෙමි, මන්ද 30 ගණන්වල හොඳ ආරම්භයන් තුනකට පසුව එය විශාල පහරක් බවට පරිවර්තනය කළ නොහැකි විය. නමුත් එළඹෙන නවසීලන්ත ක්රිකට් තරගාවලියත් සමඟ මා ඇතුළු ක්රීඩකයන්ගේ වැරදි නිවැරදි කරගෙන වඩා හොඳ දස්කම් දක්වනු ඇතැයි මම විශ්වාස කරමි.”
බංග්ලාදේශ කාන්තා පිල ලකුණු 44කින් පරදවා විස්සයි20 තරගාවලිය 2-1කින් ජය ගැනීමට ශ්රී ලංකා කාන්තා පිල පසුගිය සතියේ කොළඹදී තුන් ඉරියව් උත්සාහයක නිරත විය.
පළමුවෙන් පන්දුවට පහරදුන් හර්ෂිතා මාදවි සහ නිලක්ෂි ද සිල්වා විලෝ සමගින් බැබළුණා. ද සිල්වා පන්දු 39කදී ලකුණු 63ක් රැස්කරමින් ශ්රී ලංකා කාන්තා පිලේ වැඩිම ලකුණු සංඛ්යාව දවාලූ අතර හර්ෂිත පන්දු 42කදී ලකුණු 51ක් ලබාගත්තේය. ශ්රී ලංකා කාන්තා කණ්ඩායම සිය ඉනිම අවසන් කළේ පන්දුවාර 20 අවසානයේ ලකුණු 158/3 ක් ලෙසිනි.
පිළිතුරු ලෙස බංග්ලාදේශ කාන්තා කණ්ඩායමට එම ඉලක්කය හඹා යාමට නොහැකි වූ අතර ඔවුන් නියමිත පන්දුවාර 20 අවසානයේ කඩුලු 7ක් දැවී ලකුණු 114කට සීමා විය. සෝභනා මොස්ටාරි සහ නිගර් සුල්තානා පිළිවෙලින් ලකුණු 30ක් සහ 31ක් ලබා ගනිමින් කැපී පෙනෙන දායකත්වයක් දැක්වූ පිතිකරුවන් දෙදෙනා පමණි.
ශ්රී ලංකා පන්දු යවන්නෝ නියමිත කාල සීමාවේදී කඩුලු දවා ගැනීමට සමත් වූහ. පන්දු යැවීමේදී උදේශිකා ප්රබෝධනී සහ ඉනෝකා රණවීර කඩුලු 2 බැගින් ද, කාව්යා කාවින්දි සහ සුගන්දිකා කුමාරි එක් කඩුල්ල බැගින් ද බිඳ දැමූහ.
“සමහරු කියනවා ශ්රී ලංකාවේ පිතිකරණ ලැයිස්තුව මම මත රඳා පවතිනවා කියලා, නමුත් දැන් මට සතුටින් කියන්න පුළුවන් එහෙම දෙයක් නැහැ කියලා. හර්ෂිතා, විශ්මි, කවීෂා, කාව්යා, කාවින්දි වගේ ඉහළ දක්ෂ ක්රීඩිකාවන් කීපදෙනකු අපට ලැබුණා. ඔවුන් ශ්රී ලංකා කාන්තා ක්රිකට් අනාගතයයි. ඔවුන්ට අවස්ථාව ලබාදිය යුතු අතර ප්රතිඵල අප වෙත පැමිණෙනු ඇත”, චමරි වැඩිදුරටත් පැවසුවාය.
වසර 8කට පමණ පසු ශ්රී ලංකාව තරගමාලාවක් ජය ගැනීමට ද මෙම ජයග්රහණය සමත් විය. ඒ පිළිබඳව අදහස් දක්වමින් චමරි වැඩිදුරටත් කියා සිටියේ “වසර 5-7කට පසු තරගමාලා ජයග්රහණයක් ලැබීම ගැන ගොඩක් සතුටුයි. අපි දැන් හොඳ කණ්ඩායමක් ගොඩනගා තිබෙනවා; අපිට දැන් හිතාගන්න බැරි දෙයක් කරන්න පුළුවන් කණ්ඩායමක් ලැබිලා තියෙනවා. විශේෂයෙන්ම ප්රමුඛ පෙළේ කණ්ඩායම්වලට මුහුණ දීමේදී අපේ කණ්ඩායම මේ වසරේ වැඩි දියුණුවක් ලබා දෙනු ඇතැයි මම විශ්වාස කරනවා.”
මේ අතර, සිය මංගල T-20 අර්ධ ශතකය වාර්තා කළ තරගයේ ක්රීඩිකාව වන නිලක්ෂි ද සිල්වා ප්රකාශ කළේ අභියෝගාත්මක ලකුණු සංඛ්යාවක් ගොඩනැගීම අපගේ කාර්යය වූ අතරේ මට ඉක්මනින් ලකුණු ලබා ගැනීමට සිදු වූ බවයි. අර්ධ ශතක සම්පූර්ණ කිරීමට තිබූ අවස්ථා රැසක් මගහැරී ගිය අතර බොහෝ අවස්ථාවලදී නොදැවී පන්දුවට පහර දෙමින් කඩුල්ලේ රැදී සිටීමට සිදුවුණා. කෙසේ වෙතත් මගේ මංගල අර්ධ ශතකයට වඩා තරගය ජයග්රහණය කිරීම ගැන අපි සතුටු වන අතර තරගාවලියට නිලක්ෂි ද සිල්වා මහත්මිය එක් කළාය.
තරඟාවලියේ ක්රීඩකයා හර්ෂිත සමරවික්රම පැවසුවේ තරඟාවලියේ ක්රීඩකයා සම්මානය ලැබීම ගැන ඇත්තටම සතුටුයි.
ඇය නායිකා චමරි අතපත්තු ගැන ඉහළින් වර්ණනා කළේ මෙසේය.
“මගේ නායිකා චමරි අතපත්තු මට මගේ ඉනිම ක්රීඩා කිරීමට ශක්තියක් ලබා දුන් අතර මගේ පුහුණුකරු ඉනිම අවසන් වන තුරු කඩුල්ලේ රැඳී සිටින ලෙස මට උපදෙස් දුන් අතර මම කණ්ඩායම වෙනුවෙන් මගේ උපරිමය කළා යැයි 24 හැවිරිදි මුල් පෙළ පිතිකරු හර්ෂිත සමරවික්රම පැවසීය. .
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මීළඟ පැවරුම වනුයේ අගෝස්තු-සැප්තැම්බර් මාසවල T20I තරඟ 3 ක් සහ ODI 3 ක් ක්රීඩා කිරීම සඳහා එංගලන්ත සංචාරයයි.
எனது பேட்டிங் திறனில் நான் மகிழ்ச்சியடைகிறேன், ஆனால் திருப்தி இல்லை- சாமரி
பங்களாதேஷ் பெண்கள் இலங்கை சுற்றுப்பயணம் 2023
பங்களாதேஷுக்கு எதிரான டி20 தொடரில் சிறப்பாக செயல்பட்டாலும், நல்ல தொடக்கத்தை பெரிய ஆட்டங்களாக மாற்றத் தவறியதால் திருப்தி அடையவில்லை என இலங்கை மகளிர் அணித் தலைவர் சாமரி அத்தபத்து தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
“உண்மையில், எனது செயல்திறனில் நான் மகிழ்ச்சியடைகிறேன், ஆனால் திருப்தி அடையவில்லை, ஏனென்றால் 30களில் மூன்று நல்ல தொடக்கங்களுக்குப் பிறகு அதை ஒரு பெரிய நாக்காக மாற்ற முடியவில்லை. ஆனால் நியூசிலாந்துக்கு எதிரான தொடரில், நான் உட்பட, தங்கள் தவறுகளை சரிசெய்து, சிறப்பான ஆட்டத்தை வெளிப்படுத்துவார்கள் என நம்புகிறேன்” என்றார்.
கடந்த வாரம் கொழும்பில் நடைபெற்ற டி20 தொடரை 2-1 என்ற கணக்கில் வங்காளதேச மகளிர் அணியை 44 ரன்கள் வித்தியாசத்தில் வீழ்த்தி, இலங்கை மகளிர் அணி ஆல்ரவுண்ட் முயற்சியில் ஈடுபட்டது.
முதலில் பேட் செய்த ஹர்ஷிதா மாதவி, நிலக்ஷி டி சில்வா ஆகியோர் வில்லோவுடன் பிரகாசித்தார்கள். இலங்கை மகளிர் அணியில் அதிகபட்சமாக டி சில்வா 39 பந்துகளில் 63 ஓட்டங்களையும், ஹர்ஷிதா 42 பந்துகளில் 51 ஓட்டங்களையும் பெற்றனர். இலங்கை மகளிர் அணி 20 ஓவர்களில் 3 விக்கெட்டுக்கு 158 ரன்கள் எடுத்திருந்தது.
பதிலுக்கு, பங்களாதேஷ் மகளிர் இலக்கை துரத்த முடியாமல் 20 ஓவர்களில் 114/7 என்று கட்டுப்படுத்தப்பட்டது. சோபனா மோஸ்டரி மற்றும் நிகர் சுல்தானா ஆகியோர் முறையே 30 மற்றும் 31 ஓட்டங்களுடன் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க பங்களிப்பை வழங்கினர்.
சீரான இடைவெளியில் விக்கெட்டுகளை வீழ்த்துவதில் இலங்கை பந்துவீச்சாளர்கள் வெற்றியடைந்தனர். பந்து வீச்சில் உதேஷிகா பிரபோதனி மற்றும் இனோகா ரணவீர ஆகியோர் தலா 2 விக்கெட்டுகளையும், காவ்யா கவிந்தி மற்றும் சுகந்திகா குமாரி ஆகியோர் தலா ஒரு விக்கெட்டையும் கைப்பற்றினர்.
“இலங்கையின் பேட்டிங் வரிசை என்னைப் பொறுத்தது என்று சிலர் கூறுகிறார்கள், ஆனால் இப்போது அப்படி எதுவும் இல்லை என்று நான் மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் கூற முடியும். ஹர்ஷிதா, விஷ்மி, கவீஷா, காவ்யா மற்றும் கவிந்தி போன்ற திறமையான சில வீரர்களை நாங்கள் பெற்றுள்ளோம். அவர்கள் இலங்கை பெண்கள் கிரிக்கெட்டின் எதிர்காலம். அவர்களுக்கு வாய்ப்பு வழங்கப்பட வேண்டும் மற்றும் முடிவுகள் எங்கள் வழியில் வரும்”, சாமரி மேலும் கூறினார்.
இந்த வெற்றியின் மூலம் ஏறக்குறைய 8 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பிறகு இலங்கை அணி தொடரை கைப்பற்றியது. இது குறித்து சாமரி மேலும் கூறியதாவது: 5-7 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பிறகு தொடரை வென்றதில் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சி. நாங்கள் இப்போது ஒரு நல்ல அணியை உருவாக்கியுள்ளோம்; இப்போது நினைத்துப் பார்க்க முடியாததைச் செய்யக்கூடிய ஒரு குழு எங்களிடம் உள்ளது. குறிப்பாக சிறந்த அணிகளை எதிர்கொள்ளும் போது எங்கள் அணி இந்த ஆண்டு மேம்பட்ட செயல்திறனை வெளிப்படுத்தும் என்று நான் நம்புகிறேன்.
இதற்கிடையில், தனது முதல் T-20 அரை சதத்தை அடித்த போட்டியின் வீராங்கனை நிலக்ஷி டி சில்வா கூறுகையில், சவாலான ஸ்கோரை உருவாக்குவதே எங்களது பணியாக இருந்த போது நான் எனது ஓட்டங்களை விரைவாக பெற வேண்டியிருந்தது. அரை சதங்களை பூர்த்தி செய்வதற்கான பல வாய்ப்புகளை நான் தவறவிட்டேன், பெரும்பாலான நேரங்களில் நான் ஆட்டமிழக்காமல் விக்கெட்டுகளில் இருக்க வேண்டியிருந்தது. எவ்வாறாயினும், எனது கன்னி அரை சதத்தை விட, நாங்கள் ஆட்டத்தை வெல்வதில் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறோம் மற்றும் தொடரில் நிலக்ஷி டி சில்வா சேர்க்கப்பட்டார்.
தொடரின் வீராங்கனை ஹர்ஷித சமர்விக்ரம, தொடரின் நாயகி விருதை பெற்றதில் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியடைகிறேன் என்றார்.
கேப்டன் சாமரி அத்தபட்டு குறித்து அவர் பாராட்டினார்.
“எனது கேப்டன் சாமரி அதபத்து எனது இன்னிங்ஸை விளையாட எனக்கு பலம் கொடுத்தார், அதே நேரத்தில் இன்னிங்ஸ் முடியும் வரை விக்கெட்டில் இருக்குமாறு எனது பயிற்சியாளர் அறிவுறுத்தினார், மேலும் நான் அணிக்காக என்னால் முடிந்த அனைத்தையும் செய்தேன்” என்று 24 வயதான டாப் ஆர்டர் பேட்டர் ஹர்ஷித சமரவிக்ரம கூறினார். .
ஆகஸ்ட்-செப்டம்பரில் 3 டி20 மற்றும் 3 ஒருநாள் போட்டிகளில் விளையாடுவதற்காக இலங்கையின் அடுத்த பணி இங்கிலாந்துக்கு சுற்றுப்பயணம் ஆகும்.
Stephen Fleming Defends MS Dhoni’s Batting Position Amid Criticism
Chennai Super Kings (CSK) head coach Stephen Fleming has defended MS Dhoni’s late entry in the batting order, stating that the legendary wicketkeeper-batsman cannot play an extended innings at full intensity due to lingering knee concerns.
The 43-year-old Dhoni faced criticism after coming in at No. 9 during CSK’s 50-run loss to Royal Challengers Bengaluru at Chepauk. In the next match against Rajasthan Royals on March 30, 2025, he batted at No. 7 when CSK required 54 off 25 balls but managed just 16 off 11 as his team fell short by six runs.
Fleming’s Explanation on Dhoni’s Role
Fleming emphasized that Dhoni carefully assesses the match situation before deciding when to bat.
“It’s all about timing. MS judges his body and situation. His knees aren’t what they used to be, so he can’t bat for 10 overs at full intensity. He will step in based on the game’s demands,” Fleming explained at the post-match press conference.
The CSK coach reiterated that Dhoni remains too valuable to the team for his leadership and wicketkeeping and that sending him in too early could be a strategic misstep.
“From around the 13th or 14th over, he assesses the situation and decides. He trusts other batters early on but steps up when needed.”
CSK’s Struggles in the Powerplay Cost Them the Match
Fleming also pinpointed CSK’s poor powerplay performance as a key reason for their loss against Rajasthan Royals. While RR blasted 79/1 in the powerplay, CSK only managed 42/1,
Inaugural ‘Battle of Green’ Set to Ignite a New School Cricket Rivalry
Cricket enthusiasts in Mirigama and Giriulla are in for an exciting showdown as D.S. Senanayake College, Mirigama, and Wickramshila National School, Giriulla, prepare to launch their first-ever “Battle of Green” big match.
This historic encounter will take place at the Mirigama Public Grounds, marking the beginning of a thrilling annual rivalry between the two schools. Fans from both towns are expected to gather in large numbers, adding to the electric atmosphere of this inaugural clash.
The introduction of the Battle of Green is a significant milestone for school cricket in the region, providing a platform for young cricketers to showcase their talent while fostering sportsmanship and competitive spirit.
Stay tuned for match updates, player insights, and exclusive coverage on Sri Lankan Sports TV.
Sri Lankan Football in Crisis: Corruption, Mismanagement, and a Forgotten Future
Sri Lankan football is facing an unprecedented crisis, with corruption, financial mismanagement, and neglect threatening to erase any hope for the sport’s future. Despite repeated warnings, investigations, and calls for reform, the Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) under its current leadership has continued to operate with impunity, ignoring the development of local players while prioritizing foreign-born recruits.
Audit Findings Ignored – Where is the Accountability?
The Ministry of Sports’ audit report uncovered multiple financial discrepancies within FFSL, yet no action has been taken to rectify them. The Finance Committee raised critical concerns, including:
- Unpaid Media Rights Payment of USD 10,000
- A missing payment for SAFF Sri Lanka match media rights, with public service media confirming they never received the funds.
- The Finance Committee instructed immediate resolution, yet no updates have been provided.
- Unresolved Zolo Football Purchase
- FFSL paid LKR 12,775,000 for Zolo footballs from Ceylon Professional Sports Management (CPSM) without a financial guarantee, violating tender procedures.
- The Finance Committee recommended either securing the footballs or recovering the funds, with escalation to the CID if unresolved. No progress has been reported.
- Unpaid Sponsorship Payment of USD 30,000
- Sponsorship funds from Public Service Media (PSM) for the Mahinda Rajapaksa Trophy remain unaccounted for.
- Despite instructions to resolve the matter, FFSL has failed to provide any updates.
FFSL’s Downward Spiral – A Lost Generation of Footballers
While Sri Lanka’s football governance remains plagued by corruption, the country’s domestic football structure has completely collapsed. There have been no domestic tournaments since 2022, depriving young players of a pathway to professional football. Despite over 42,000 active school-level players across 600 schools, FFSL has failed to support grassroots development, instead using school tournaments for branding while parents bear the costs.
Rather than investing in homegrown talent, the FFSL has prioritized recruiting foreign-based players to represent Sri Lanka’s national team. The current squad is unrecognizable, with only captain Sujan Perera representing local talent. Critics argue that these foreign recruits, most of whom play in third or fourth-tier leagues abroad, are using Sri Lankan representation to boost their own careers while the nation’s domestic football stagnates.
Sri Lanka’s Footballing Reputation in Tatters
The state of Sri Lankan football reached an embarrassing low during the AFC Cup qualifiers when head coach Abdullah Almutairi received a red card—a rare and humiliating moment in international football. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka’s FIFA ranking has plummeted from 124th to 200th out of 207, driven by alleged embezzlement of FIFA and AFC funds under successive FFSL presidents.
Unlike successful footballing nations, which integrate foreign-origin players into domestic leagues before calling them up to the national team, Sri Lanka’s approach has been reckless and damaging. The lack of Pro License coaches for the past 30 years has further exacerbated the decline, leaving Sri Lanka lagging behind regional peers like India and the Maldives.
FFSL’s Financial Mismanagement & Political Interference
- FFSL has failed to present audited accounts since 2022, with officials suppressing the ministry’s audit report to avoid scrutiny.
- Stolen equipment, including Adidas footballs, bags, and boots, has been traced to top FFSL officials, including former national captains and the finance manager. CCTV footage reportedly supports these claims.
- Despite widespread allegations, successive sports ministers have turned a blind eye, allowing FFSL officials to manipulate narratives and maintain their grip on power.
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2023-2024 has been postponed until March 2025—deliberately delaying accountability measures.
Will the Government Finally Take Action?
The newly elected government, led by President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, campaigned on an anti-corruption platform. Yet, despite the Ministry of Sports uncovering serious financial mismanagement, no action has been taken to hold FFSL accountable.
The time for promises has long passed. If Sri Lanka is to salvage its footballing future, immediate intervention is needed from the government, FIFA, and relevant stakeholders. Failure to act now will not only doom the sport but also betray the thousands of young Sri Lankan footballers who still dream of wearing the national jersey.
The question remains: Will the government finally clean up the mess in Sri Lankan football, or will corruption continue to suffocate the game?
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