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First Football National Team Training Camp of 2021 kicks off

The National Training Camp of the Sri Lankan Men’s National Football Team was ceremoniously kicked off today in an auspicious fashion at the National Training Center in Beddegana.

There were religious sermons from all four major religions in Sri Lanka for the players and officials in attendance.

The camp will take place under strict covid-19 regulations and be a bio-bubble environment, with no one allowed to leave or enter the premises during the training camp period.

All 22 players and 8 officials who are taking part or are involved in the training camp bio-bubble had to undergo PCR and Anti-gen tests. All anti-gen tests returned as negative, we are still awaiting the official PCR results and will update you accordingly.

ශ්‍රී ලාංකික පිරිමි ජාතික පාපන්දු කණ්ඩායමේ ජාතික පුහුණු කඳවුර අද දින බෙඩ්ඩෙගානා හි ජාතික පුහුණු මධ්‍යස්ථානයේ දී සුබදායක ලෙස ආරම්භ කරන ලදී.

සහභාගී වූ ක්‍රීඩකයින් සහ නිලධාරීන් සඳහා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ප්‍රධාන ආගම් හතරේම ආගමික දේශන පැවැත්විණි.

මෙම කඳවුර දැඩි කෝවිඩ් -19 රෙගුලාසි යටතේ සිදුවන අතර ජෛව බුබුලු සහිත පරිසරයක් වනු ඇති අතර පුහුණු කඳවුරු කාලය තුළ කිසිවෙකුට පිටව යාමට හෝ පරිශ්‍රයට ඇතුළුවීමට ඉඩ නොදේ.

PCR සහ Anti-gen පරීක්ෂණ සඳහා පුහුණු කඳවුරට සහභාගී වන සියලුම ක්‍රීඩකයින් සහ නිලධාරීන් යවන ලදි. සියලුම Anti-gen පරීක්ෂණ ප්රතිපල negative ණාත්මක ලෙස පැමිණ ඇති අතර සහ PCR ප්රතිපල එනතෙක් බලා සිටී

இலங்கை ஆண்கள் தேசிய கால்பந்து அணியின் தேசிய பயிற்சி முகாம் இன்று பெடேகனாவில் உள்ள தேசிய பயிற்சி மையத்தில் நன்னேரத்தில் ஆரம்பிக்கப்பட்டது.

நாட்டின் நான்கு மதங்களின் மதகுருமார்கள் சமூகமளித்து வீரர்களுக்கும் அதிகாரிகளுக்கும் பிரசங்கங்களை அளித்தனர்.

இந்த முகாம் கடுமையான கோவிட் -19 விதிமுறைகளின் கீழ் நடைபெறும் மற்றும் ஒரு உயிர் குமிழி சூழலாக இருக்கும், பயிற்சி முகாம் காலத்தில் யாரும் வெளியேறவோ அல்லது வளாகத்திற்குள் செல்லவோ அனுமதிக்கப்படுவதில்லை.

அணைத்து வீரர்களும் அதிகாரிகளும் PCR மற்றும் Anti-Gen பரிசோதனைக்கு உட்படுத்தப்பட்டனர். அதில் Anti-Gen பரிசோதனை முடிவுகள் அனைவருக்கும் எதிர்மறையாக வெளியிடப்பட்டது. மற்றும் PCR முடிவுகள் இன்னும் வெளிவரவில்லை.
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