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46th Mustangs Trophy One-Day Encounter



Rehan, Uvindu shine in Royals’ comfortable 7-wicket win

Half-centuries from Rehan Peris and Uvindu Weerasekara helped Royal College outplay arch-rivals S. Thomas’ College by 7 wickets and bag the 46th Mustangs Trophy one Day Encounter worked off at SSC Grounds, Colombo on Friday (24).

Batting first, the boys from Mt Lavinia were bundled out for 165 runs despite Senadhi Bulankulama’s lone cameo, and in reply, Royal achieved the target in just 37 overs.

Senadhi Bulankulama and Thishen Ehaliyagoda walked out to open the innings for S. Thomas’, but their partnership was short-lived, with Thishen being the first wicket to fall for just 5 runs.

One down batter Dineth Gunawardena also lasted just 19 balls as he was run out courtesy of a brilliant fielding effort from Bulan Weerathunga.

Adding salt to their wounds, their skipper Romesh Mendis also bit the dust when he walked back to the pavilion for just 2 runs to make things worse for the Thomians.

S. Thomas found themselves in a tight spot at ( ), but a desperate effort from Senadhi Bulankulama and Mahith Perera, who rotated the strike, saw them slowly reviving their innings.

However, the Royal bowlers didn’t allow any breathing space for the opposition to settle down, as they continued bowling good lines and lengths to put constant pressure on the Thomians.

Senadhi Bulankulama was the only batter to trouble the Royal bowling attack, and apart from him none of the other batters posed a threat to the Royalists.

Bulankulama went on to score a fighting 133 ball 66 runs including 4 boundaries, while Mahith Perera contributed 28 runs before the Thomians were bowled out for a below-par score of 165 runs inside 48.2 overs.

Bulan Weerathunga, Sandesh Ramanayaka and skipper Dasis Manchanayake shone with the ball claiming two wickets each, while Anush Polonnowita, Ranuka Malaviarachchi and Ramiru Perera chipped in with a wicket each.

In reply, it was a walk in the park for the Royalists as they achieved the target in just 37 overs.

Rehan Peris was the hero in the chase top scoring with a blistering 69 runs off 107 deliveries including 7 boundaries and a six, while middle-order batter Uvindu Weerasekara smashed a 68 ball 50 runs with 4 boundaries and 2 sixes to take their team home comfortably.

The win also saw Royal whitewashing the Thomians, as they also won the 144th ‘Battle of the Blues’ annual cricket encounter played for the Rt. Hon. D.S Senanayake Memorial Shield recently.

46 වැනි මස්ටැංග්ස් කුසලාන එක්දින හමුව

රෙහාන් සහ උවිඳු රාජකීයයන් කඩුලු 7ක පහසු ජයග්‍රහණයකින් බැබළේ

රෙහාන් පීරිස් සහ උවිඳු වීරසේකරගේ අර්ධ ශතක හේතුවෙන් රාජකීය විද්‍යාලය කඩුලු 7කින් පරම්පරාගත ප්‍රතිවාදී S. තෝමස් විද්‍යාලය අභිබවා ගොස් 46 වැනි මස්ටැංග්ස් කුසලාන එක්දින තරගය සිකුරාදා (24) කොළඹ SSC පිටියේදී නිමාවට පත්විය.

ප්‍රථමයෙන් පන්දුවට පහරදුන් ගල්කිස්ස බාලකයෝ ලකුණු 165කට දැවී ගිය අතර, සේනාධි බුලන්කුලමගේ හුදකලා ආරාධිතයා නොතකා, පිළිතුරු ලෙස රාජකීය විදුහල ඕවර 37කදී එම ඉලක්කය සපුරා ගත්තේය.

S. තෝමස් වෙනුවෙන් ඉනිම ආරම්භ කිරීමට සේනාධි බුලන්කුලම සහ තිශේන් ඇහැලියගොඩ පිටව ගිය නමුත් ඔවුන්ගේ සබඳතාව කෙටිකාලීන වූ අතර තිෂේන් පළමු කඩුල්ල ලෙස ලකුණු 5ක් පමණක් දැවී ගියේය.

බුලාන් වීරතුංගගේ විශිෂ්ට පන්දු රැකීමේ ප්‍රයත්නයෙන් දැවී යාමෙන් එක් පහළ පිතිකරු දිනෙත් ගුණවර්ධන ද දැවී ගියේ පන්දු 19ක් පමණි.

ඔවුන්ගේ තුවාලවලට ලුණු එකතු කරමින් ඔවුන්ගේ නායක රොමේෂ් මෙන්ඩිස් ද ලකුණු 2ක් පමණක් ලබා නැවත මණ්ඩපයට යන විට දූවිල්ල හපමින් තෝමස් පිලේ තත්ත්වය තවත් නරක අතට හැරිණි.

එස්. තෝමස් () හි දී දැඩි අසීරුතාවයකට පත් වූ නමුත්, පහර භ්‍රමණය කළ සේනාධි බුලන්කුලම සහ මහීත් පෙරේරාගේ මංමුලා සහගත උත්සාහය නිසා ඔවුන් සෙමෙන් සිය ඉනිම පණ ගන්වනු දක්නට ලැබිණි.

කෙසේ වෙතත්, රාජකීය පන්දු යවන්නන් ප්‍රතිවාදීන්ට කිසිදු හුස්ම ගැනීමේ ඉඩක් ලබා දුන්නේ නැත, මන්ද ඔවුන් තෝමියානුවන් මත නිරන්තර පීඩනයක් ඇති කිරීම සඳහා හොඳ රේඛා සහ දිග දිගේ පන්දු යවන බැවිනි.

රාජකීය පන්දු යැවීමේ ප්‍රහාරයට බාධා කළ එකම පිතිකරුවා සේනධි බුලන්කුලම වූ අතර ඔහු හැරුණු විට සෙසු කිසිදු පිතිකරුවෙක් රාජකීයයන්ට තර්ජනයක් වූයේ නැත.

බුලංකුලම පිල පන්දු 133කදී හතරේ පහර 4ක් සමඟින් ලකුණු 66ක් ලබා ගත් අතර මහීත් පෙරේරා ලකුණු 28කට දායක වූ අතර තෝමස් පිල ඕවර 48.2කදී ලකුණු 165කට අඩුවෙන් දැවී ගියේය.

පන්දු යැවීමේදී බුලන් වීරතුංග, සන්දේශ් රාමනායක සහ නායක දාසිස් මංචනායක කඩුලු 2 බැගින් දවාගත් අතර අනුෂ් පොළොන්නෝවිට, රනුක මලවිආරච්චි සහ රමිරු පෙරේරා කඩුල්ල බැගින් ද බිඳ දැමූහ.

පිළිතුරු ලෙස රාජකීය ක්‍රීඩකයින්ට එය උද්‍යානයේ ඇවිදීමක් වූ අතර ඔවුන් එම ඉලක්කය පන්දුවාර 37 කදී සපුරා ගත්හ.

රෙහාන් පීරිස් පන්දු 107කදී හතරේ පහර 7ක් සහ හයේ පහරක් සමගින් ලකුණු 69ක් රැස්කරමින් විශිෂ්ට පිතිහරඹයක නිරත වූ අතර මැදපෙළ පිතිකරු උවිඳු වීරසේකර පන්දු 68කදී හතරේ පහර 4ක් සහ හයේ පහර 2ක් සමඟින් ලකුණු 50ක් රැස්කරමින් තම කණ්ඩායම පහසුව කරා රැගෙන ගියේය. .

මෙම ජයග්‍රහණයෙන් රාජකීයයන් තෝමියානුවන්ට සුදු හුනු ගෑම ද දක්නට ලැබුණි, ඔවුන් Rt වෙනුවෙන් ක්‍රීඩා කළ 144 වැනි ‘Battle of the Blues’ වාර්ෂික ක්‍රිකට් තරගයද ජයග්‍රහණය කළේය. ගරු. D.S සේනානායක අනුස්මරණ පලිහ මෑතකදී.

46வது முஸ்டாங்ஸ் டிராபி ஒருநாள் சந்திப்பு

ரெஹான், உவிந்து ஆகியோர் ராயல்ஸ் 7 விக்கெட் வித்தியாசத்தில் வெற்றி பெற்றனர்

ரெஹான் பெரிஸ் மற்றும் உவிந்து வீரசேகர ஆகியோரின் அரை சதங்களின் மூலம் றோயல் கல்லூரியின் பரம எதிரிகளான எஸ். தோமஸ் கல்லூரியை 7 விக்கெட்டுகள் வித்தியாசத்தில் வீழ்த்தி 46வது முஸ்டாங்ஸ் டிராபி ஒருநாள் என்கவுன்டர் வெள்ளிக்கிழமை (24) கொழும்பு SSC மைதானத்தில் நடைபெற்றது.

முதலில் துடுப்பெடுத்தாடிய கல்கிசையைச் சேர்ந்த சிறுவர்கள் சேனாதி புலங்குளமவின் தனி ஆட்டத்தை மீறி 165 ஓட்டங்களுக்கு ஆட்டமிழந்தனர், பதிலுக்கு றோயல் வெறும் 37 ஓவர்களில் இலக்கை அடைந்தது.

சேனாதி புலங்குளம மற்றும் திஷேன் எஹலியகொட ஆகியோர் S. தோமஸ் இன் இன்னிங்ஸைத் தொடங்குவதற்கு வெளியேறினர், ஆனால் அவர்களது பார்ட்னர்ஷிப் சிறிது காலம் நீடித்தது, திஷேன் 5 ரன்களுக்கு முதல் விக்கெட்டாக வீழ்ந்தார்.

ஒன் டவுன் பேட்டர் தினேத் குணவர்தனவும் 19 பந்துகளுக்கு மட்டுமே நீடித்து, புலன் வீரதுங்கவின் சிறப்பான பீல்டிங் முயற்சியால் ரன் அவுட் ஆனார்.

அவர்களின் காயங்களுக்கு உப்பு சேர்த்து, அவர்களின் கேப்டன் ரொமேஷ் மெண்டிஸும் 2 ரன்களுக்கு பெவிலியனுக்கு திரும்பி நடந்தபோது தூசி கடித்தார், தோமியன்களுக்கு விஷயங்களை மோசமாக்கினார்.

எஸ். தோமஸ் ( ) இல் ஒரு இறுக்கமான இடத்தில் தங்களைக் கண்டார், ஆனால் சேனாதி புலங்குளம மற்றும் மஹித் பெரேரா ஆகியோரின் அவநம்பிக்கையான முயற்சியால் ஸ்டிரைக்கைச் சுழற்றினார், அவர்கள் மெதுவாக தங்கள் இன்னிங்ஸை மீட்டெடுத்தனர்.

இருப்பினும், ராயல் பந்துவீச்சாளர்கள் எதிரணியை நிலைநிறுத்துவதற்கு எந்த சுவாச இடத்தையும் அனுமதிக்கவில்லை, ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் தொடர்ந்து நல்ல கோடுகள் மற்றும் நீளங்களை வீசியதால் தோமியன்களுக்கு நிலையான அழுத்தம் கொடுக்கப்பட்டது.

சேனாதி புலங்குளம மட்டுமே றோயல் பந்துவீச்சு தாக்குதலுக்கு சிக்கலை ஏற்படுத்தினார், அவரைத் தவிர மற்ற எந்த பேட்டர்களும் ராயல்ஸ்டுகளுக்கு அச்சுறுத்தலாக இருக்கவில்லை.

புலங்குளம போராடி 133 பந்துகளில் 4 பவுண்டரிகள் உட்பட 66 ரன்கள் எடுத்தார், அதே நேரத்தில் மஹித் பெரேரா 28 ரன்கள் எடுத்தார், தோமியன்ஸ் பந்துவீச்சில் 48.2 ஓவர்களுக்குள் 165 ரன்கள் குறைவாக இருந்தது.

பந்து வீச்சில் புலன் வீரதுங்க, சந்தேஷ் ராமநாயக்க மற்றும் அணித்தலைவர் தாசிஸ் மஞ்சநாயக்க ஆகியோர் தலா இரண்டு விக்கெட்டுகளையும், அனுஷ் பொலொன்னோவிட்ட, ரணுக மளவியராச்சி மற்றும் ரமிரு பெரேரா ஆகியோர் தலா ஒரு விக்கெட்டையும் கைப்பற்றினர்.

பதிலுக்கு, 37 ஓவர்களில் அவர்கள் இலக்கை அடைந்ததால், ராயல்ஸ்டுக்கு இது பூங்காவில் ஒரு நடை.

ரெஹான் பெரிஸ் 107 பந்துகளில் 7 பவுண்டரிகள் மற்றும் ஒரு சிக்ஸர் உள்ளடங்கலாக 69 ஓட்டங்களை விளாசினார், அதே சமயம் மத்திய வரிசை வீரர் உவிந்து வீரசேகர 68 பந்துகளில் 4 பவுண்டரிகள் மற்றும் 2 சிக்ஸர்களுடன் 50 ஓட்டங்களை விளாசினார். .

இந்த வெற்றியானது தோமியன்ஸை ஒயிட்வாஷ் செய்வதையும் ராயல் கண்டது, ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் Rtக்காக விளையாடிய 144வது ‘பேட்டில் ஆஃப் தி ப்ளூஸ்’ வருடாந்திர கிரிக்கெட் சந்திப்பையும் வென்றனர். கௌரவ. டி.எஸ் சேனநாயக்கா நினைவு கேடயம் சமீபத்தில்.


Three Sri Lankan Athletes Qualify for World Athletics Indoor Championships 2025




Colombo: In a historic achievement for Sri Lankan athletics, three national athletes have officially qualified for the World Athletics Indoor Championships 2025, set to take place from May 21 to 23 in Nanjing, China. This marks Sri Lanka’s largest representation at the prestigious event in over two decades.

Sri Lankan Athletes Heading to Nanjing 2025

The three Sri Lankan athletes who secured their spots based on performances and world rankings are:

  • Chamod Yodasinghe – 60m Sprint
  • Kalinga Kumarage – 400m
  • Kaveesha Bandara – 60m Hurdles

Their qualification comes after impressive performances at the inaugural National Short Course Championship, highlighting Sri Lanka’s growing potential in indoor athletics.

A Historic Moment for Sri Lanka

The last time Sri Lanka sent a team to the World Athletics Indoor Championships was in 2001 (Lisbon), where four athletes represented the nation. This latest qualification marks the largest contingent in over 20 years, showcasing significant progress despite limited indoor competition opportunities in Sri Lanka.

With preparations underway, these athletes will aim to make an impact on the global stage and elevate Sri Lanka’s presence in international athletics.

Stay tuned for more updates on Sri Lanka’s journey to Nanjing 2025!

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Chinese Government Pledges Support for Sri Lanka’s Sports and Youth Development




Colombo: In a significant move towards strengthening sports and youth development in Sri Lanka, Chinese Ambassador Qi Zhenhong met with Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Sunil Kumar Gamage, and Deputy Minister Eranga Gunasekara today (26) at the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

During the meeting, Ambassador Qi Zhenhong congratulated the newly appointed ministers and reaffirmed China’s commitment to supporting Sri Lanka’s sports and youth programs. Discussions centered on enhancing bilateral cooperation and exploring actionable initiatives to uplift sports development in the country.

A key highlight of the discussions was China’s willingness to promote sports such as Tai Chi and Dragon Boat Racing in Sri Lanka. This initiative aligns with the broader vision of fostering international sports collaboration and expanding the sporting culture within the country.

This renewed partnership marks an important step in Sri Lanka’s sports development, paving the way for future investments and technical support to enhance local sporting infrastructure and training programs.

Stay tuned for more updates on this collaboration and its impact on Sri Lankan sports!

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Sri Lanka to Host the Prestigious 2025 SAFF Championship After 17 Years




Colombo: Sri Lanka has officially been granted the hosting rights for the 2025 South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) Championship, set to take place in June 2025. The decision marks a historic moment for Sri Lankan football, as the nation last hosted the tournament in 2008 alongside the Maldives.

The SAFF Championship is widely regarded as the “World Cup of South Asia,” bringing together the best footballing nations from the region. The 2025 edition will feature seven teams:

  • India (Defending champions and most successful team)
  • Pakistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Maldives
  • Nepal
  • Sri Lanka (Host nation)

With the backing of home supporters, Sri Lanka will look to capitalize on this opportunity and aim for a deep run in the competition.

SAFF Championship: A Look at Past Editions and Winners

The SAFF Championship, first held in 1993, has seen 14 editions so far. India has been the most dominant team in the tournament’s history, winning a record 9 titles. The Maldives and Bangladesh have each won the tournament twice, while Sri Lanka claimed their only title in 1995, when they hosted the event in Colombo.

Here is a look at the past winners:

  • India – 9 titles (1993, 1997, 1999, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2015, 2021, 2023)
  • Maldives – 2 titles (2008, 2018)
  • Bangladesh – 2 titles (2003, 2023)
  • Sri Lanka – 1 title (1995)

Sri Lanka’s return as the host nation in 2025 gives them a golden opportunity to reclaim the championship after 30 years.

If executed well, the 2025 SAFF Championship could mark the beginning of a new era for Sri Lankan football, helping the nation rise again in South Asian football.

Can Sri Lanka make the most of this historic opportunity? The countdown to SAFF 2025 begins!

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